Lifestyle | Habit | Routine

The Clatter of a Thousand Footsteps

“amour-de-soi” as such sauntering along somewhere to reconnect with oneself and the surroundings.

Afiani Rui
The Honest Perspective
5 min readSep 2, 2023


Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash

When I need to relieve stress and clear my mind, I find that doing yoga or going for a walk is the most refreshing activity.

For the past month, I’ve made yoga a regular part of my routine. I use a habit tracker to help me stay consistent and do this every day. And my fondness for walking can be traced back to a childhood routine: taking leisurely walks across my hometown on days off from school.

Where there were still many stretching rice fields and rivers that had not receded. My friends and I went for a walk barefoot because we thought “it would be therapeutic” to use uneven asphalt and smooth rocks on rural roads. And without feeling guilty, we also often reap other people’s plantations; fruits, flowers, and mostly sugar cane to enjoy together.

Walking is a lot of fun, especially when we’re with someone we can keep a conversation going with. Walking with a view, conversation can flow easily between seemingly unrelated topics, and even distant locations can feel closer than they actually are.



Afiani Rui
The Honest Perspective

Personal blog. Highly interested in history, culture, and literature.