Why Women Need Fierce Self-Compassion

Importance of Self-worth

Parin Waljee
The Honest Perspective
3 min readOct 25, 2023


Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

In a world that often places unrealistic expectations and pressures on women, compassion becomes an essential tool.

In particular, fierce self-compassion is a powerful concept that can help women cope with the challenges and complexities of modern life. We need to understand that compassion isn’t always soft and gentle; it sometimes means being forceful and fierce.

Compassion is the practice of treating yourself with kindness and understanding as you would a close friend when suffering or failing, and this includes some important key elements:

To be kind to yourself:
Be gentle and understanding with yourself rather than being self-critical. Consider the importance of self-worth.
Recognise that suffering is a universal human experience and that we are not alone in our struggles.

Staying present and aware of our emotions without over-identifying with them.
Intense self-compassion, although rooted in these principles, adds an element of strength, determination, and self-advocacy to the mix. Realistically, it’s about fiercely protecting your happiness and self-esteem, especially in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity:
In a world that often throws obstacles in women’s paths, fierce self-compassion helps women bounce back from setbacks, whether they are personal or professional.

Navigating Self-Worth Issues:
Fierce self-compassion helps combat issues related to self-esteem and self-worth, empowering women to recognise their value, irrespective of external judgements.

Combating Perfectionism:
The drive for perfection can be a significant source of stress for women. Fierce self-compassion allows them to embrace their imperfections and understand that they don’t define their worth.
There are many benefits.
of intense compassion.

Improved mental health:
Intense compassion can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and self-criticism, thereby improving overall mental health.

Improved relationships:
When women show self-compassion, they are better equipped to form healthier, more satisfying relationships because it brings self-acceptance and reassurance.

Increases Motivation:
Rather than sapping motivation, passionate self-love provides a stable foundation for growth and change, encouraging women to pursue their goals with determination.

Better Coping Mechanisms:
Strong compassion gives women effective coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges, making them more resilient in the face of adversity.

To cultivate this fierce compassion, you need to practice self-reflection. Start by recognising your inner critic and the unrealistic expectations you place on yourself. Challenge these thoughts and be kind to yourself.
You need to surround yourself with friends, family, or a therapist who can offer encouragement and guidance on your self-love journey.

Incorporating mindfulness meditation or journaling into your daily routine to improve self-awareness and self-kindness works wonders.
You need to set boundaries, learn to say no when necessary, and protect your health.

Intense self-compassion is a transformative concept that can help women break free from societal constraints and navigate the complexities of modern life with strength and grace. By practicing kindness to themselves, recognising their common humanity, and practicing mindfulness, women can empower themselves to be resilient, challenge stereotypes, and thrive in their lives. a world that sometimes seems unforgiving. It is time for women to show deep compassion for themselves. It’s of paramount importance for women’s well-being and personal growth.

It provides a strong foundation for resilience, mental health, and self-esteem, empowering women to face life's challenges with greater grace and self-acceptance. By practicing self-compassion, women can cultivate a positive self-image, reduce self-criticism, and ultimately lead more fulfilled and empowered lives, cultivating a world where their unique strengths and voices can shine powerfully.



Parin Waljee
The Honest Perspective

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.