Building Marketing Maintenance

Learn how to measure the success of your marketing efforts with simple best practices.

Shannon Twilley
The Honestly Press
4 min readApr 28, 2021


a laptop computer sitting on a desk showing a performance report .

The term “marketing maintenance” refers to retaining your product’s share in the particular market(s) you operate in. It doesn’t mean ignoring marketing performance or putting a campaign on autopilot…that’s when horror stories happen. Building marketing that really resonates with customers often requires stepping back from your product and focusing on their problem first. It’s important to evaluate where you are now so you can decide where to go next.

So you might be wondering, where do I start?

Find the actual need

Have a clear idea of what your customer needs and determine how you can add the most value. This means the features and benefits you’re touting address meaningful pain points for your customers. One simple way to do this is asking for feedback. Basic customer research and user testing will reveal why customers buy from you and how they use your product once they do. This may uncover a use you haven’t thought of, a need you haven’t addressed or an additional approach that could open up a new target market.

Generate brand desire

Speaking of emotions, be sensitive to communicating in ways that are helpful, especially during uncertain times. Put the consumer front and center by offering relevant messages for products and services without appearing self-serving. Some verticals have increased their sales opportunities by rethinking communications processes.

For example:

  • Lounge wear, underwear and socks sales have increased because we
    want to feel comfortable at home.
  • Grooming tools have skyrocketed since we now do it ourselves.
  • Home exercise programs and online education programs have seen
    massive sales spiked due to gyms and schools being closed.
  • Home improvement and furniture stores are busy because people
    notice necessary home repairs, begin outdoor projects and upfit their
    home offices.

Implement without friction

Once you have your target customer and core message figured out, be sure to provide a clear path for what happens next. Are they visiting a landing page? Downloading an app? Making a purchase? Sharing some feedback? An engaged customer you have built trust with is more than happy to go on a journey with you. Make it fun, interesting, and above all, easy.

And keep in mind that figuring out the most frictionless solution often
involves testing. So set-up some A/B scenarios. Spin-up two landing pages.
Send out two versions of a postcard. Try different messages on social
media. The good news is that the tools we all have available make tests like these easy to do.

Track the “right” metrics

Establish performance metrics that display the real day-to-day results of your marketing progress. Adidas invested in performance-driven metrics to grow sales very quickly. With an advertising split of 23% for brand and 77% for performance, they discovered their brand equity, not digital advertising, drove 65% of sales across wholesale, retail and ecommerce channels. By over-investing in digital advertising, Adidas focused on a short-term goal (driving online sales) instead of taking into account any long-term goals (supporting the brand reputation). Now they use a “test-and-learn” approach to connect with consumers through emotional, brand-driving activity.

Remember, good solutions spring from clear problems and mark the
beginning of your path toward marketing success!



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Tips For Doing It Right
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precipitously dropping off a cliff, these 16 industry categories are
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Get to Aha! — Andy Cunningham has been at the forefront of tech and innovation since day one, and she’s been helping companies create new product categories ever since. This book takes a different approach to discovering a company’s core before creating the look and feel of the brand.


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Honestly is available for marketing, advertising, design and software engagements. Learn more about our work by visiting Honestly’s homepage.

