Why You Need a Marketing Calendar

Allison Amos
The Honestly Press
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2021

I work with a variety of marketing teams on a daily basis. And I have experience hiring, training and managing every part of a marketing team. If I’ve learned one thing throughout all of that experience, it’s that you need a marketing calendar.

You absolutely need one.

There is an endless number of reasons why a marketing calendar is necessary for a successful marketing department. But let’s just focus on the top reasons.

First, it gets rid of all the excuses. Everyone works in different ways and all of those different ways, need to work together. That’s when people start to make excuses like “I didn’t know” or “Someone else has to do X before I can do Y.” A marketing calendar puts all of those things to rest by providing visibility into what’s going on.

A marketing calendar also has the ability to help transition your team from reactive to proactive. It’s the most basic form of planning which allows any team to get ahead of the game and not always be behind.

Marketing calendars are also a key way to help achieve consistency and cohesion across your marketing channels. A marketing calendar gives you visibility about what campaigns are happening and what holes might be missing.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly. A marketing calendar helps set the priorities for your marketing team. It’s the way everyone can determine what’s the most important and allows for the person leading your marketing to prioritize what’s working ahead of other, less fruitful efforts.

If you have questions about how to build, organize or implement your marketing team, pop them in the comments below and I’d love to discuss.

