If you value your rights, you had better be Antifa

(((Greg Camp)))
The Hoplite Magazine
3 min readJun 4, 2020


The protests and riots sparked by the murder of George Floyd are being interpreted in predictable ways by the right wing with regrets over property damage, comments about Floyd’s history as if being accused of passing a counterfeit bill warrants death, and promises to use even greater force to restore what they believe to be law and order. The struggles of racial minorities and poor people regardless of race that are the daily reality in this country matter not at all to those watching from the serenity of their positions of wealthy privilege. Or these struggles are denied by many working or lower middle class whites who are afraid that what little they have will be lost if the riches of our society are distributed more fairly.

But there is one group who should understand that when the police feel free to use excessive force against the people. This group has spent decades telling the world that we would stand up to tyranny, that we would not accept a government that violates basic rights. This group has pointed out that there are some one hundred million of us, making us the largest army in human history. This group sums up our attitude with the Gadsden flag, a warning to oppressors to march themselves back to where they came from.

Yes, I am talking to my fellow gun rights supporters. Any police officer who feels free to murder a…



(((Greg Camp)))
The Hoplite Magazine

Gee, Camp, what were you thinking? Supports gay rights, #2a, #1a, science, and other seemingly incongruous things. Books available on Amazon.