Joe Biden, Diet Republican and gun control advocate

(((Greg Camp)))
The Hoplite Magazine
3 min readMar 8, 2020


I’m here to take your Corn Pops, I mean gun thingies, image courtesy of Michael Stokes and Wikimedia Commons

What a difference a corrupt party makes. In a desperate attempt to guarantee that Donald Trump will win re-election, Joe Biden has been moved into front runner status in the Democratic primaries. I am, with one reservation, a Bernie Sanders supporter, and at this point, I am having doubts if I will ever vote for a Democrat again. The party cares more about the handwringing fears of the centrists than about progress, and they are at risk of losing the left permanently.

This is nothing new. Both sides of the Atlantic have suffered under Third Way Liberalism, the attitude that as long as you are publicly friendly to gays and women, you may treat your workers however you like. This approach was championed by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair and was as morally bankrupt as both together. All of this ended up creating the financial crisis of 2008 and has left the American population willing to elect a con artist like Donald Trump because he promised to care about ordinary people.

In keeping with bourgeois anxiety about hanging on to their station, Joe Biden at the head of the centrists would like to make sure that private gun ownership is nothing that would cause him to clutch his pearls. He wants all owners of “assault weapons” to have to register them and pay for a tax stamp under the National Firearms Act of 1934. He would ban the sale and…



(((Greg Camp)))
The Hoplite Magazine

Gee, Camp, what were you thinking? Supports gay rights, #2a, #1a, science, and other seemingly incongruous things. Books available on Amazon.