Happy International Pillow Fight Day!

Julia Pedrol
The Hotel Stories
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2019

Today is a great day for your hotel to sell more rooms

Picture a pillow fight as intense as Pacquiao and Mayweather’s encounters happening on the most comfortable king size bed ever experienced by a human being. Feathers flying around the hotel room and a relaxing post-combat massage booked in 30 minutes time.

Wish you could celebrate International Pillow Fight Day this way? I’m very sure your guests would love to. So why don’t you take advantage of this date and offer website visitors a special treat to nudge them towards booking a stay at your property?

Leveraging special dates on your hotel website is a golden opportunity not only to increase your sales and revenue but also to reinforce your brand image and engage with your target audience. Coined some years ago by the Spanish marketer Luiggi Sarrias, this inspired marketing strategy is called Dayketing– the fusion of the words Day and Marketing.

Given the nature of hospitality, there is probably no other industry where Dayketing is such a perfect fit. By simply picking a significant date and delivering a powerful message around it to your public, you can connect with their experiences and emotions. Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day immediately spring to mind, but there are so many other untapped dates out there, with topics ranging from ethical concerns to the downright quirky!

Take International Pillow Fight Day for example. What better excuse to get more guests staying at your hotel. I mean, who hasn’t dreamt about having a romantic pillow fight in a hotel room?

An exclusive discount, a tailored package around this festivity or even a themed party are some of the ideas you could communicate to attract guests. Don’t worry if you’re lacking inspiration. We will walk you through some creative ways to capture guests around this date so you can take note and start planning for the 364 other opportunities you have left!

Welcome Layer

Create an attractive Pillow Fight Day package and promote it on your homepage. Display it as a welcome Layer so you ensure that your message is clearly visible, reducing bounce rate and keeping visitors engaged on your website.

Countdown Clock

With special dates, time is of the essence! Give users an extra nudge by creating exclusive Pillow Fight deals with a clear time limit. Use a countdown clock to make sure they know they need to book soon if they don’t want to miss out on their dream combat.

Special Events

Who said it has to be all around exclusive offers or discounts? It could be as simple as featuring a massive pillow fight in your hotel’s lobby where your guests can arm themselves, release some tension and above all, have fun. You never know, with the right photos or videos, it could go viral…


Keep your visitors’ interest while boosting ADR by promoting your superior rooms or suites where guests can use the king-size bed as a ring. Showcasing your room’s special features is a simple tactic that can really make a difference in the decision-making process when booking.

These examples are only the tip of the iceberg, remember that there are 364 more special days to host. It’s all about finding a way to relate your hotel brand to the context of each date. Download our guide to discover a whole host of creative ideas to kick-start your Dayketing campaigns. After all, today is a great day to sell more rooms.

