Market Your Hotel This Halloween and Get Scarily Good Results

Oliver Shale
The Hotel Stories
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2019

Halloween is upon us once again and with it, it brings a critical vantage point for hotels and hotel marketers alike to utilize the holiday stage and provide their website users with relevant, inspiringly spooky messages. So prosperous are the opportunities that October 31th brings, that in 2018, according to an article published by The National Retail Federation in the United States, the collaborative national expenditure on Halloween equaled 9 billion dollars. That being said, for hotel marketers, it is essential to look upon this “holiday” as a doorway to direct bookings and dress up their websites accordingly.

Here we can see how Welcome Hotels, the Swiss hotel group “with heart”, has seized the opportunity to open that doorway, and attract direct bookings on their websites. They have personalized the user experience by including relevant messages and offers to specifically target those potential bookers who may be looking for a wonderful Halloween experience.

Above you can see a Layer on the corporate page of the brand’s website, promoting an exclusive Halloween deal for stays of two nights or more. As can be seen in the image, they have cleverly included a countdown clock feature to create a sense of urgency which helps to nudge potential guests towards a booking. If you can convince visitors that the offer is limited and that time is of the essence, then you are on the right track for a highly effective campaign. We also know how influential the design element can be on results. Here they have created a uniquely engaging layer with a relevant image which will undoubtedly help to draw in significant user attention. Using a Layer with an eye-catching design ensures that your message is clearly visible and helps to reduce bounce rate on your homepage.

One of the most important aspects of an aesthetically pleasing website is consistency. In the example above, we can see how the Halloween theme has been continued on the Allegra Lodge website in the form of an Inliner. The unique inline design allows for the seamless integration of relevant information in the form of native content. Using segmentation rules, it has been customized to appear to all visitors who enter the website, including those searching for a stay on the dates of the Halloween weekend. A necessary tool for marketers who don’t wish to appear too aggressive in their campaigns.

For an effective campaign, it’s important to continue communication as the user moves down the booking funnel. Above is an example of a Layer displayed to users within the booking engine on the Rooms & Rates page. This has been done to help finalize the decision in the mind of the booker to choose the exclusive offer and book a stay of two nights or more. Once the users have entered dates and are clearly already interested in making the reservation, this layer cements in their mind the positive deals and rates that they will be receiving as well as discouraging them to exit the page. A highly useful tactic in ensuring the booker remains on your website and continues on their journey down the booking funnel with you.

Welcome Hotels has clearly maximized on the potential for success over the Halloween period and utilized a timely campaign on their website to drive more direct bookings. For a hotel marketer, it is always important to stay up-to-date and be relevant, and what better way to do so than personalized campaigns for specific days of the year? If you are looking for some more inspiration, check out our best practice guide on “Dayketing”. From Valentine’s Day to Black Friday — there’s something for everyone!

Originally published at

