How To Tame Kinky Hair?

Ralitsa Asenova
The How Guide
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2018

Curls prove that some parts of our bodies have their own opinion and character. Kinky hair is wild, free and independent. It has its own standard of beauty, not necessarily coinciding with the one of its owner. Kinky hair never looks the same. It does not matter how hard you try, you cannot control it. Sometimes it lets you think that it will stay the way you put it, but this changes the moment you step out of the door.

Kinky hair cannot be tamed. But if you learn to like it and take care of it, it becomes your best friend.

The first lesson that every curly haired girl learns is that brush and curls do not mix well. Brushing kinky hair is a whole adventure. I learned this very early in life when my mother tried to brush my hair. I would describe these moments as an audio spectacle that I was presenting in front of all neighbors. I was screaming during the whole process, even though my mother brushed my hair extremely carefully. Fortunately, she never tried to brush my hair when it was not wet and never let anyone else do it.

Brushing curly hair is a mysterious process for many people. Often people ask me “How do you brush your hair, it looks impossible?” or “Do you really need to brush your hair?” Unfortunately, curly hair needs to be brushed. Brushing is not part of curly haired people morning routine, however, if they never brush their hair, it will have a weird form, most probably like a nest.

The best way to brush kinky hair is while it is wet because it is easier and painless. You need shampoo, conditioner, and a comb. Never buy a very cheap comb because it will be made from poor quality plastic and most probably you will break it. It happened to me twice.

First, put shampoo and wash your hair. While you are doing this there is a big chance to find something in your hair, especially if outside was windy.

Second, after your hair is completely wet, apply a generous amount of conditioner. Use little more on the ends. Never believe the ads saying that you need just one drop of conditioner. Brushing kinky hair with one drop of conditioner would be a miracle.

Third, divide your hair into two sections and gently run your fingers through your hair, detangling as much as you can. This rule does not really work for me, but it is good to give it a try. Most of the times I succeed to divide my hair into sections and that’s it.

Fourth, grab a wide-toothed comb and start brushing your hair. Start at the bottom and work your way slowly to the top. This is the right direction because kinky hair is very dry and the bottoms are the most problematic part. In this way you avoid breakage.

Completing the four steps, most probably you spend 20 min in the bathroom if you are skillful enough.

The last and the easiest step is to put oil to hydrate the hair and a product that will keep the form of your curls. It is good not to use a hair- dryer but if you do, better use with diffuser. I use hair- dryer every time because I like the way my hair looks after it.

Curly hair is natural and willful. Give your curls freedom and they will return the favor.

Ralitsa Asenova is a third-year student in the American University in Bulgaria double majoring in Journalism and Business Administration. She has been living in harmony with her kinky hair since she stopped trying to tame it.

