Denver Excited To Be Team To Be Beat By Carolina In Super Bowl

The Howling Monkey
The Howling Monkey Magazine
2 min readJan 25, 2016

— Denver, CO

The Denver Broncos, fresh off their 20–18 win over New England in the AFC Championships, are preparing for the challenge of losing to Carolina in the Super Bowl.

Manning prepares for enormous, soul shattering loss. Photo by Jeffrey Beall [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

“We can’t focus on yesterday’s win,” said Denver Quarterback Peyton Manning in a news conference this morning. “We have to plan and get ready to be beat in the Super Bowl. We are up for the job.”

The Carolina Panthers mercilessly thrashed the Arizona Cardinals 49–15 in the NFC championships, and went 15–1 in the regular season.

“Look, we are a great team. Peyton is a legend. But are we as good as the Panthers? Don’t be ridiculous,” said Broncos’ head coach Gary Kubiak. “I mean, seriously.”

“I am looking forward to spending my final game as a professional football player getting beat and beat badly by Cam [Newton] and the stellar Panthers squad. It will be the perfect cap to my career,” Manning said.

“We all know we are going to get beat. We just hope to beat the spread,” Kubiak said.

Currently, Las Vegas odds makers favor the Panters by “eleventy billion and a half points.”

Super Bowl 50 is set to kick off February 7 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern. It is scheduled to be over for all intents and purposes by 6:40.

Originally published at on January 25, 2016. This is a parody, which, frankly, should be obvious.

