All the Sky

Of our heart

Paul Mulliner
The Howling Owl


photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

We’re born
with the sun and moon and stars
above us in the sky,
children of a conscious universe
discovering the hidden beauty
of its boundless soul,
woven into starlight
with an eternal silent whisper in our heart
as all the drifting moments of a human life
slide like shadows, fade like dreams,
and vanish into nothingness
as though they never were,
as though love and moments of experience,
and every touch and glance,
were made from conscious silence
and the light of stars.

We’re the universe
taking on a human form,
and while we still have breath,
there’s time to know
the eternal soul in all of us
bringing meaning,
the poetry of silence
that touches every star
and every human life,
the mystery that shows itself
in the shape of flowers
somehow touching all our lives,
somehow weaving all experience
into everything that is,
while time just slips away.

And though we might sometimes wish
we could hold on to something in this life,
hold on to all the fleeting moments
fading in the wind that sighs in nearby trees,
we’re part of something larger than ourselves,
a spacious consciousness
everywhere throughout the universe
is knowing what it is to be human,
and like a flower unfolding,
it’s waking to itself inside us,
helping us see more clearly
while all the moments drift,
slide and glide and slip away
through the unseen and universal,
gentle beauty of our heart.

Paul Mulliner 2024



Paul Mulliner
The Howling Owl

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....