
Blissful Paradox

A free verse poem

BJ Dawson
The Howling Owl
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Alexandra Patrusheva

Here’s the thing about clarity of intent

– of your touching with intentionality
accidentally ending with your blending

– that is, your pyroclastic, pyro-plasmatic
lovemaking with the cosmos, thighs parted
at bow-shock of penetration;

If you’ve ever received the gift of mind,
body, and spirit united in ecstasy
once within the whole of your lifespan,
no matter its length and breadth of duration,

your next intention is to feel it again.

And then yet again, once more, or maybe ten
or twenty or so many times after that,

until you soon find that’s all you’ll ever want;
to exist in that scant leading-edge of bliss,

pressing lips upon Virgo Supercluster
from Big Bang till final shivering shudder
leaves you enveloped in yummy orange aura.

Another thing on intentionality;
adding expectation yields carnal folly



BJ Dawson
The Howling Owl

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP https://cosmicrubble.com/