Photograph by author SAM. Girona, Spain 2015


Faith — Less

A Free Verse Poem

Sally A Mortemore
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2024


she breathes in pain
and exhales solitude

and exhales fate
yet breathes in loss

re-robes her skin
with weeds

misguided fairy-tales

and blinds those ruptured dreams
with snarls of rope

the un-cut cold now glints a cloud
upon her cynical yet callow breath

which cleaves the cracks
and slides down old theologies
dishevelled corners stacked
with untapped thoughts

she exhales hope
but breathes in abandonment

and breathes in lies so dense
they trammel up her empty lungs

and as her bible burns its final quarter
razored hair grips tight to
strap her to her cross

she cries:

oh God
why have you so forsaken us

tears dry diamond-stains of graphite-black
tormentors from her displaced heart
all habits dying hard
her faith in…

