micropoetry / culinary poetics

His Extraordinary Serenade Stole My Heart

by the lake

Pseu Pending (Seu)
The Howling Owl


A Jiangnan favorite : Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Roots stuffed with Glutinous Rice 西湖桂花糖蓮藕 / Culinary creation by Chef Wilson Fam, Lakeview Palace, Cotai, Macau / Image © Pseu Pending (Seu)

what secret does a lowly root of the dark mud hold
playful hollows cradling glorious glutinous treasures
causing soft lips to part~~tongue tempting palate~~
warmth infuses~~knees weak~~
sun red syrrrrrup~~gold osmanthus

a southern riverine tender treat~~chuckles infiltrate
street to palace~~fragrance flowing~~
water roots befriend unlikely land seeds~~become one~~
only when peace flourishes
can cuisines

poets say Jiangnan’s* beauty is unbeatable
turquoise brooks sing~~simple houses
black roofs white walls
lotus ponds

disintegrate into magnanimity of heart~~
not betrayal nor martyrdom nor jealousy scores
water and land the same hues in reflection~~
cultural survival wants ancestral wisdom
seeking benevolence of

when the world does cartwheels and summersaults
hearts gather in their own Jiangnan~~
where sweetness is light and
goodness resides knowing
they are but guests
of time

© Pseu Pending (Seu) 2023

*Jiangnan 江南 — Southern banks of downstream Yangtze River, known for poetic water scenery where culinary treats abound. Sweet lotus root stuffed with glutinous rice is one popular Jiangnan street food, winging all the way to prestigious circles.

An image by the contemporary ink art giant Wu Guanzhong— one of my favorite artists — finds its way into my subconscious. Wu often painted dreamy black and white houses and water canals in Jiangnan. Far from a dreamy life, he lived through WWII and cultural turmoils, laced with journeys overseas and inland. His famous paintings of lotus ponds are not ones in full bloom, but those withering in autumn when lotus roots reign delicious abundance.

Culinary Poetics

Culinary Poetics

32 stories



Pseu Pending (Seu)
The Howling Owl

Leisure is a path to the thinking process. Museum Educator/ Contemporary Art Researcher/ Lover of the culinary arts. Top writer in Poetry, Art, Food, Creativity