Screech & Howl

Interview with a Poet — Pseu Pending

A Delectable Interview

Zay Pareltheon
The Howling Owl
Published in
6 min readMar 20, 2024


Photo from Pseu Pending.

Pseu and I have been in correspondence about this interview for quite some time — back and forth on questions and ideas. It’s not only an interview with a poet, but a multi-lingual poet with multi-layered skills. Pseu’s recent work and submissions about special foods has been delicious addition to The Howling Owl.

What is your history as a writer? How long have you been a writer and how did you begin?.

It started in the museum education days of my adult expat years. A creative approach to research papers led to writing for a magazine. It was sporadic but exceedingly satisfying. I picked up where I left off at age seventeen when I veered to an art career at university. My then English teacher discouraged the notion of a creative writing path, deeming it unpractical. But two further years of English literature classes in between buoyed my love for writing.

Here at The Howling Owl, you have practically begun a new genre as a writer — Poetry about Food — Gastronomical Delights. How did that begin?

I hadn’t thought about it until you commented, “What a new genre you are creating here…” in response to my recent food poem The Secret Behind Beautiful Aging. Your words gained ground.



Zay Pareltheon
The Howling Owl

Maine writer, retired teacher. Compromised eyesight — uncompromised vision. Write to me at — or follow me on Twitter — @pareltheon