Free Verse

“should” and “ought to”

a sort of Chaos Theory

Marilyn Wolf
The Howling Owl
Published in
May 18, 2022


Hand Sketch by VoronNika on Shutterstock (image licensed by author)

other than

Juggling all the little glass balls
holding the “shoulds”
and “ought tos”
i have to do to keep Peace at home

while i

Run around
and do all i’m
“supposed” to do


tap dance
on the lid of the Pit
where i keep the
Things i don’t want to (can’t?) deal with

my life’s no different than anyone else’s

©2021, Marilyn Wolf

I have traveled the world (have more to go) and learned most people are just trying to keep on keepin’ on. Who knows what goes on beneath the surface of any face we see? We are all moving on to the next day for better, or worse, or just next.



Marilyn Wolf
The Howling Owl

Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.