Small Things

A poem

Caroline Mellor
The Howling Owl
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by Aperture Vintage on Unsplash

What if there is no new you
No #vanlife mountain vista
No trail of dust, no grand rebirth

What if your life
is more a slow, uncoiling thing
than a series of bangs,
a bowl to fill and fill
rather than a bucket list?

Stop looking for the big moments.
They will find you in their own time.
Turn your gaze instead to the small things,
the minutiae of the sacred ordinary:
the quiet grace of dust dancing in the sunbeams,
the sound of the rain through the streetlamps.
The soft smell of the skin on someone’s neck
that takes you home in a microsecond.

What if you could take your one messy, complicated life,
all of your failures and your unmet yearnings,
all of the colours, the dreams and the hungers
and, just for a moment, see it for what it is:
a fragmentary masterpiece of the universe,
a speck of dust dancing in the sunbeams
which you alone hold in warm, cupped hands.

Thank you for reading 💙 My book of poetry, The Honey in the Bones, is available here. You can also connect with me on facebook or on my website



Caroline Mellor
The Howling Owl

Mother, author, Medium top writer in poetry and climate change www.carolinemellorwriter.com @_carolinemellor_