Still Seeing You

You were hidden in the trees

Lev Metropol
The Howling Owl
Published in
1 min read6 days ago


Photo by frame harirak on Unsplash

It was like you were in those trees that morning
graceful, swaying, broad-leafed
branches reached down
in a pouring rain
loving grip, wide open heart
caressed me

While behind liquid eyes
leap like dancers’
ancient longings

You see the world
as a flower does
or mountain
As you need to see
the sun sweep over morning
beckoning the folly of lost children

I saw you everywhere:
in the faces of clouds
in the wind tickling at the trees
even in the tiny, quiet moments
behind necessary burdens

You nudge
gently as a child
at the bellies of my questions
And laugh like a warrior
at my too earnest answers

I know, can’t help it

You were there
I swear
as usual … gone

Had it really been you
or just the wind swirling in the trees?

Lev Metropol



Lev Metropol
The Howling Owl

Essayist, novelist, chaser of expanded consciousness. Author of "unGlommed"