
The Beauty of Urban Decay

A poem

Tom Kane
The Howling Owl


Cracked concrete sings arias
to weeds pushing up through fissures,
green hands that grasp at the sky
looking for the sun’s nurture.
Rust blooms like flowers
on the peeled faces of buildings
worn by wind and rain and time.
A patina of age and erosion replaces
what humans once thought was prime.

Nature reclaims the spaces we vacate,
with patient persistence and steady force,
transforming concrete into art ornate
as she reshapes her natural course.
Beauty flourishes in the cracks that form,
as walls give way to what they once replaced.
The faded glories humans swore would transform,
crumbling steadily as nature’s tempo is paced.

From the ruins, the city sprouts anew
with life we did not see, taking root.
The verse of urban decay plays through,
its organic anthem absolute.



Tom Kane
The Howling Owl

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium