The Ink Not Yet Dry


Connie Song
The Howling Owl


Poetry, Pen, Ink
Photo by Digital Content Writers India on Unsplash

The ink not yet dry
life limping by
on the lower east side
scraped but barely smudged
an apothecary of words
caged and catalogued
waiting to breathe
like the ashes of yesterday’s embers
still glowing in the wind.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
yet I feel the footsteps of time
still pacing past portals and potholes
through moonlight and merlot
calming seas, setting sail
a canvas for the young at heart
as time floats by,
traces of the poet’s ink
scribbled, varnished, primed
yet not quite completely dry.

Grace notes: Be it a sunset, a drop of rain or a howling owl, there will always be inspiration for the poet. Dear reader, what inspires you and
your inkwell?

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Connie Song
The Howling Owl

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