poetry / free verse / culinary poetics

What Vegetables See in You and the World

a summer night summit

Pseu Pending (Seu)
The Howling Owl


Summer vegetables. Chef Tam’s Seasons / Image © Pseu Pending (Seu)

in importance humans mumble
whatever they fancy as crucial
how to maximize e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g
wealth. health. time.
creating baggage
envy. fury. control


curing human fallacies
in summer’s dead heat

~~crunchy. juicy. tender. yielding~~
daylilies calm anxieties. cure insomnia
tonkin jasmine cleanses breath
(yes, presents human best)
amaranth heals fractures. helps immunize
white bitter gourd clears heat. cleanses eyes
clears excess fat. prone to anti-oxidize
golden ear calms wheezes. warming while cool
lotus root calms nerves. clears lungs. soothes
stomach to spleen. tends to secrets unseen
mature cucumber not the youngster
protects liver
hydrates. beautifies
common rue reduces swelling
(of egos too, the rue winks)
disperses stases
reinvigorates. detoxifies

lesser heat. greater heat. beginning of autumn*
cooler small hours sneak in
seamless solar terms
summer vegetables sojourn~~
a glorious presence

no intention to linger
more than necessary
giving way. with grace

ahh…what humans know not
about vegetables~~
live. and live
taking care of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g

Chilled white bitter gourd marinated with dried plum. Culinary creation by Chef Tam Kwok Fung / Image © Pseu Pending (Seu)

© Pseu Pending (Seu) 2024

*lesser heat. greater heat. beginning of autumn — The 11th, 12th, and 13th of 24 solar terms in the year.

This poem is not intended as health advice.

What Tingles the Tongue, Chef?

50 stories

Thanks to The Howling Owl for publishing these culinary poetics.



Pseu Pending (Seu)
The Howling Owl

Leisure is a path to the thinking process. Museum Educator/ Contemporary Art Researcher/ Lover of the culinary arts. Top writer in Poetry, Art, Food, Creativity