Here’s How You Build and Align Workplace Culture

The Definitive Guide to Building and Aligning Company Culture In Any Company Size

Andy Chan
The Human Business


In 2017, Uber made history for the wrong reasons.

Former Uber employee, Susan Fowler, wrote an essay on her blog about her year at Uber as a site reliability engineer. The disclosure revealed something rampant in the ride-hailing giant’s offices: sexual harassment was somehow permitted. There was unfettered festering at the workplace, which prompted an outcry over Uber’s toxic culture. Subsequently, employees were dropped from the company for their part in such behaviors.

Following that, then-CEO and founder Travis Kalanick was ousted.

For 2 years, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) examined the company. They found reasons to believe that Uber had such toxic cultures.

A federal investigation was launched and the result was clear: Uber is problematic and they need to change its practices. Amidst a cash crunch, Uber had to fork out $4.4 million to establish a fund to pay current and former employees who were sexually harassed at work. A former agency commissioner will also be monitoring the company for three years after.



Andy Chan
The Human Business

Product design @ Delivery Hero. I write about pretty much anything I want to write.