Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2020


Wisdom was always right there ready to be seen.

We learn one of our most valuable life lessons as babies, learning to walk, and falling over.


Life and The Universe are the most beautiful things in Existence, and in all their beauty they also hold countless mysteries for no man to ever know how they come to be, but to be aware of them and appreciate the wonders of Life and The Universe’s Power.

One of their mysteries is how for every human, the Universe will give them their chance and also show them help and teach lessons for those to see and learn if they are capable to stop and notice life for what it is happen around them, beyond their four walls that offers them peace of mind and safety in comfort. However that comfort will hold one back from discovering new things in ones life. Ignorance is not always bliss.

We have all had moments in life where things were seemingly falling apart, not evolving to how we wished, been on the brink…

And then an act of random randomness interferes in our lives and it teaches us a new path or the world then notices your efforts and someone randomly changes our lives by offering us a break, or an opportunity based off our merits and proven efforts.

The Universe is the greatest teacher, and it works on many laws, but one is the law of,

What you Give and Put into the Universe, The Universe will return in full. When it means to.

And with all this I sat there and was evaluating the most notable lessons I have received and learnt in my life, in the most unlikely of places where I would never of anticipated finding knowledge and wisdom that has changed my life each day for the better.

However, one of these lessons stood out to me.

I have always lived my life chasing my goals and dreams with the knowledge that if I failed along the way, and everything was lost, the greatest thing about being at rock bottom is the ground is the greatest foundation of which to build from. Every-time we fall down, we just need to get back up.

Life might knock you to your knees and you might be frozen in shock and confusion as to how you ended up at the bottom, but eventually, no matter how bad we are hurt, we will get back up, we have to get back up, for life is in movement.

Now where The Universe comes into these life lessons and knowledge is what I believe to be at our earliest of days on this planet when we are just beginning to learn to walk and seek out the world we found ourself in.

When we’re learning to walk, we fall over countless times. However something in us at that stage in our short lives tells us, and pushes us to just get back up and try again, and again. It’s built into our code. However I think is humans through growing older and maturing into Adults forget this basic lesson that Life and The Universe had us learning from our earliest days, and we forget it so much we age to think that to fail at something is a terrible thing and it creates fear in people, to which can ultimately effect whatever it is they’re doing because they go into something already negatively minded.

If you ever choose to go into a day already with your mind made up that the day is going to go against you, you’ve already lost.

The Universe taught us in our youngest days that to fail just means we get to get up and go again, to improve, to get better and to take valuable lessons along the way with us through life that will help us as we come across new challenges in Life. If we manage to get to a point in life where we can detach the fear tied to failure and harness it for what it really is, we stand to improve in all parts of our life, that we choose to do however, sometimes hold ourselves back from completely involving ourselves and our effort, because the fear holds us back. If we can conquer that fear, in turn we will also conquer whatever it is we find before us.

I wish the world could see the word of Fail as not a negative stigma on life but a beautiful opportunity for one to learn and understand what went wrong and to grow a better understanding on their path or task set before them.

If you never failed at anything in your life, all that means is you never tried hard enough to be the best you could be. To live a safe easy, unchallenging life only amounts as a disservice to ones self and they’ll never know their true capabilities.

People who push their hardest, fall down from time to time, fail from time to time, but will get back up, and will better for themselves for it and be more valuable to the world that surrounds them as the world stands to learn and benefit from their knowledge they learnt from believing in themselves at every corner.

You will never succeed in life if you don’t Fail along the way.

Don’t ever be afraid to Fail, only be afraid of never allowing yourself the chance to Fail.

Ashton P. Johannsen




Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma

The Power of Expression thru Writing is the reason my voice still exists today.