Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2020



I am a guy that is intelligent enough to know my wrongs from right.

However I am stupid enough to ignore reason and go with emotion, or be stuck in the moment and forget about what may come from my actions.

I am extremely successful at my age in my career, however I am also very prone to self sabotage. It’s almost like success scares me and I’d rather be at the bottom then at the top.

I am a fully confident man, who can have a conversation with anyone on any topic and never fall behind.

However, sometimes I don’t realise when I’ve said to much.

I only fear one thing in life, I fear going home because by going home that means loneliness and isolation.

I am extremely active and give my all for my fitness, however I am prone to injuring myself and always seem to be sidelined for long periods of time.

I am a gifted fuck-up, who is self aware and would rather help anyone else than help myself.

I do love myself, but I feel that I would rather be a support for others, than further myself, which I fear will make me lose sight of the ones I love, that stay by my side.

I am not perfect, but I wouldn’t want to be perfect, perfection is boring. I am unique and it makes me who I am. My imperfections and flaws are my greatest assets, they set me apart from everyone else.

I dumb myself down when I meet people to grasp the real person behind the face, people love to feel superior to others, and if they feel they’re superior, they flaunt their wings and show the real person they wish to be.

I don’t believe in Religion, but I don’t not believe in Religion, by the make and laws based around it, it is something to profound and humanly incomprehensible for me to truly pass judgement on or off the subject, I also believe that no human has the right or wisdom to truly speak on or off Religion. If we had that right and could, then we would be God.

I am not always the most favourite person I know, but I know no matter what, I’ll be there for myself, I’ll always take care of myself and I love the man I have become.

This might sound narcissistic, obnoxious, vain etc. However those are just words people use to sum up people that they feel insecurities around. It’s easier to point their finger and talk trash about someone else, then to face their own reality and what they feel is wrong with themselves.

I love and respect all walks of life, and never judge someone, until I’ve properly met them and they give reason to judge.

I am Ash, I am a weird, a unique man.

I am me.

Ashton P. Johannsen



Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma

The Power of Expression thru Writing is the reason my voice still exists today.