Do we give this Universe Meaning?

Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma
Published in
8 min readNov 28, 2020

As you begin to read this, it would be safe to assume you’re living your day, existing as you do, thinking about your set goals for the day and hanging out for the daily finish line, your home to relax.

Now, I want to f*** up your day, but not in a bad way, in a way that will spin your reality, but you won’t hate me for it, and that will be obvious as to why soon.

Let’s be short and sweet.

Have you ever stopped and tried to comprehend… space?.. I’ll do my best to articulate what space may be.


Space is a void, of nothing, that greatly expands moment by moment, by stretching, but we stay how we are, physically unscathed.

And in this void, you have a mixture of things. The vast majority of what’s in space is just that, space. For the hundreds of billions of billions of stars, planets, black holes and whatever else there is that we are yet to learn, space is basically empty. To make it sink on a personal level with you, we are humans, the smartest, most successful and intrigued by what we don’t know. There’s nothing on this planet we cannot do, we are the god of Earth. Now forget about how great we are, because if we were to venture into space. We die. The radiation alone will kill us in short time if we try. Now remember how powerless we are in space and then realise the time spent to travel anywhere from Earth is unattainable by humans, apart from reaching our moon, and perhaps mars, however that’s yet to be proven. The point I’m making, is, on earth we’re gods, we walk above all and control how the world works, yet in the eyes of space, we’re just caged llamas with extreme high maintenance. To space, humans are useless to partake.

Now let’s get to the headache of space.

..What is it?

Think about it, there is just this massive space that’s growing, that has specs of matter in it, that subsequently are meaningless because they’re trapped wherever they are.

Now it begs the question, let’s not be silly, it’s obviously come from somewhere, even though the universe is incomprehensible for us, we do know, magic isn’t real. Everything happens because of a reaction to something, which is the law of energy, one of the only true laws that’s can’t be wrong ever.

For energy to exist, it has to be transferred from one state into the state it’s in, in present, because energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed.

With that said, what transformation happened that caused the reaction that created space? What I am getting at is, the universe isn’t all there is, something had to create this.

Let’s have some dignity, and not suggest religion is the cause, because it’s not, all religions ever done is achieve unattainable wealth whilst being the reason for 90% of all murders around the world ever since it’s been in effect, maybe more than 90%.

Moving on,

For all we know, a human did something and created this void from their own void. Who knows? Now you’re probably wondering why you read this and what’s the point as there’s no point to the topic as it has no answers. The universe is pointless, all the stars are pointless, all the planets, all the rocks. Everything and anything is pointless in the universe as it has no real purpose.

However, something isn’t pointless. Something that by the law of random phenomena and natural selection, came into existence in a place where existence is trivial at best.


Life thrived, at least where we know of, however all we know is where we are, so by my count that’s a 100% hit rate when it comes to life. And with life came humans, a bunch of terrified, insecure, violent before thought creatures. We came into existence not as the dominate species on earth, but our godly like nature gave us the power to not run from inevitable death, but to conquer it.

Nearly all mammals or animals for that matter live by the same rules. Eat, Sleep, Hide and run if in danger. And that’s all they will do in life. Humans find problems and solve them, we have personality traits no other does, we have cunning manipulative ways to win, we won’t just destroy that who came up against us. We will punish them forever and work to we destroy our opponent and whoever gets in the way.


We’re pure evil by design. Animals kill to eat. We kill to kill. And it’s no surprise to highlight the advance in civilisation is partly if not more so, built on the back of our evil hereditary nature. And it is nature, you only need to watch kids to know. Children are the most innocent, most beautiful part to humankind, but when a child starts to become self-aware, which isn’t a set time, everyone’s different, they start to teach themselves how to manipulate situations to gain the advantage. They will usually test this on their parents, learning what they can get away with and what they can’t. And we all know this is true, we all did it.

However, with all this evil and hereditary desire to be the top dog, humans are victim to one thing that no matter who they are, how strong they are, they will crumble and fall to this.


How does one define love, love to me truly has no definition, for no words in any sequence do justice in the name of Love..

Love is the ultimate drug, it has the greatest addiction risk, and whilst you’re on it, you will be the healthiest and happiest you can be, however if you get forced off it, it will damage most people, that can never be repaired, only patched up. Or even take the lives of some.

…However, with all the bad that can be tied to Love. The moment you’re on it, or in Love, is by far worth the risk that may follow, but you will never think of that if it’s true love, you’ll be to busy living for someone else, and forgetting all your insecurities as you’ve found someone that filled those holes.

Everyone’s afraid to die when they’re a kid, and will continue to be so, but when they fall in love, they no longer fear dying, they fear dying second.

People always ask the question, what is the meaning to life, as if to say they’re are trying to find meaning beyond their soul, but wouldn’t it be obvious to think, that the meaning of life for us, is Love? The key to life is doing what you love and being happy, and you can never be truly happy until you love a person and love you back, someone that’s gives meaning for all the acts you do each day to improve and succeed towards goals that only restarts for the next person when they’re born and you die.

Love gives purpose to live your life how you see fit, and not just how you were told to live in school.

So many people will talk about how bad society is, and all the problems, but close to all will always say that all the pain is worth it, humans are worth the struggle, because we possess the power to love, our ultimate power.

To the point.

Yes, the universe is insanely pointless and has no meaning, or indistinguishable place of origin. And everything in it is existing within, only operate in the laws of the physics of the universe. Simply put, on replay, spinning around things it subsequently weighs less than.

However, in this void of no real meaning, meaning was created, by the miracle of life. And more specifically, us. Humans give the universe meaning now. The universe now has an obligation to exist, although what existence is, isn’t something we can know, but it must now survive to accommodate life. As we hold within us the greatest power in all the universe, Love.

The universe can launch a rock and destroy a planet and yes, that’s power, but even with that dawning on two people in love, their love will conquer the rock and embrace and appreciate what they have, because as long as they have each other, nothing else matters.

Life has given reason to exist for the universe. Humans with their love have brought with them the purpose of the universe, eternal happiness to those given a go at life.

And if love is the power the gives the universes sense of life itself, it can’t be disputed that Love is the meaning of Life.

I’ll close with this.

Humans are amazing, evil, weak, beautiful forms of life. Not without our faults though, one of which is always looking for the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong place.

We thrive to survive and be with those we love, with that said, instead of looking up to the stars, and wondering questions with no way to ever know the true answer, we shouldn’t ignore our home, our place in the Universe, Earth.

We seem to have so many problems to solve with space and yet ignore the ones we have here, such as taking care of our home and taking care of our fellow humans. More than half the world starves every day, yet we have an abundance of food that is more than enough to comfortably feed the world. Imagine a world where the majority of humans didn’t hold their heads in their hands, crying and wondering why they got the life they did.


Imagine one where everyone was on equal plains, working together to advance our species, not just working for a made up commodity that only brings pain.

Imagine if we focused on our species, imagine if we allowed ourselves to love our fellow humans and live in a world of freedom and happiness. Stop! notice you could comprehend what that would be like and steps of which would be needed to work toward that goal?

That’s because it’s not impossible, in fact it’s instinctively desired. And now realise that the reason humans put up with the world in its state now, is because Love trumps all of it, and it’s worth being here and coexisting with the pains on our home planet, but surviving isn’t living.

Love makes it worth it. Never forget how powerful you are, if you want to make something happen, you can, no one is actually stopping you, they’re just telling you no. The word “no” has no power unless you allow it to hold power over you.

For life to change for the better on earth, and for us to move into the future, a snowball has to start somewhere, and once it starts rolling, it will build and get bigger and louder. Until it rolls to the bottom of the mountain and crashes into the entity holding humans back from climbing the mountain of life.

We give purpose to the universe, let’s honour that by reshaping our world to give comfort and happiness to all, not just some.

Experimental Opinion Piece

Ashton P Johannsen.



Ash Poul Johannsen
The Human Enigma

The Power of Expression thru Writing is the reason my voice still exists today.