The End of the University As We Know It?

Flannery Wilson
The Humanities in Transition
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1 min readAug 2, 2020


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As colleges and universities prepare themselves for the fall semester, everyone is holding their breath.

We are currently at the height of the pandemic with no end in sight.

What will happen when students return to campus? Should professors have to risk their lives and health in order to teach? Will online learning prove more effective than it did in the spring?

It seems likely that a train wreck is on the horizon.

This month we asked our writers to share their opinions on the current state of affairs — and on the fate of universities overall. All of our articles are written by professors and scholars who are at the forefront of these changes.

Stay tuned throughout the month of August.



Flannery Wilson
The Humanities in Transition

Flannery has a PhD in Comparative Literature. She teaches French, Italian, and visual media. Her book on Taiwanese cinema can be found on Amazon.