50 Affirmations For A Great Life.

The Huntress
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2020

The thoughts and ideas that we have about ourselves radically shape how we view the world. These are some of the affirmations that have changed my life and I thought that I would share them. It is recommended that you do the affirmation just after you wake up, and just before you go to bed.

If you found an affirmation particularly useful, please share it in a comment. Also, I will be publishing more content like this over in The Huntress. So, if you have enjoyed this, join us over there. Here are the affirmations.

  1. I am a warrior, conqueror, and general in my personal and professional life.
  2. I will always win, no matter the circumstance.
  3. I ruthlessly manage my time, energy, and effort in service of my goals.
  4. Today, I use my voice. I make myself seen and make myself heard.
  5. I live and love on my own terms. So, you either get in line or get out of my way.
  6. I am in the driver seat of my own life. I am the captain of my soul.
  7. I am beautifully and wonderfully made.
  8. I was intentionally made to give my best and most unique self to the world.
  9. I am more than sufficient. I am capable of getting the life that I want.
  10. I am committed to living my best life.
  11. I engineer my destiny daily.
  12. In my life, I play the hell out of the cards that I have been dealt with.
  13. I will no longer censor, limit, or restrict my thought, goals, ideas, and ambitions.
  14. Every day, I get one step closer to where I need to be. I will persevere through the hardships.
  15. I am a man/woman of my word.
  16. I ask for what I want, I go after it and I get it.
  17. I make a way for myself in this life.
  18. I am born to enter uncharted territory and destined for greatness.
  19. I continue the legacy of the greater men and women that came before me.
  20. Today, I will do things that give me an additional edge in my career.
  21. I will never give up.
  22. I will never align myself with the status quo.
  23. Every day, I live boldly and authentically.
  24. Every day, I honor my purpose passionately.
  25. Every day, I honor the child in me.
  27. I follow through on my plans, goals, and ideas.
  28. Failure is not happening.
  29. I am bold, empathetic, and courageous.
  30. I get the life that I want and choose.
  31. Opportunities and good things will present themselves to me.
  32. Tomorrow, I become a greater version of myself.
  33. I attract amazing people into my life.
  34. I master difficult tasks daily.
  35. I consistently and excellently add value to the world.
  36. I trust myself and I am accountable.
  37. I use my gifts and talents in service of my goals.
  38. I occupy an even larger space than what life had intended for me.
  39. I break any self-imposed boundaries in my life.
  40. I transcend any limited perceptions of myself.
  41. I will never mistake someone else’s opinion as mine.
  42. I will a self-actualized life.
  43. I am a great protagonist to my story.
  44. I change, adapt, and become better daily.
  45. The universe will conspire in my favor.
  46. Any impossibility is a dare that I will win.
  47. I do what scared me daily.
  48. I am greater than the obstacles ahead of me
  49. I will not compromise on my life.
  50. Today, I become the image of my own imagination.

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The Huntress

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