Blindness and Beheadings: The Origins of Valentines Day

Husky Howler
The Husky Howler
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2023

By Keira Moore

A painting of St. Valentine and Cupid.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrated on the 14th of February every year. Couples and lovers give each other romantic and sweet gifts. Valentines, normally being small cards with kind words and candy, are passed out among classes and between friends.

Where exactly did all of this originate from? What are we really celebrating? Going deep into the mystery and history, Valentine’s Day is more about beheading than betrothing.

The History of Valentine’s Day

There have been around three “St. Valentines” in history. According to the Catholic Church, they were all martyrs (A person who suffers very much or is killed due to their religious or political beliefs). Today, which one we have made a holiday about is unclear, as the origins of Valentine’s Day is a mystery, and has a few legends about it too.

Around 269–270 A.D., St. Valentine was in custody of a man named Asterius. Asterius had made a bargain with St. Valentine, claiming that if he could cure his foster daughter’s lack of sight, then he and his family would convert to Catholicism. St. Valentine agreed, and with that he placed his hands on his daughter’s eyes. He had cured her. The whole family was amazed and delighted and as agreed, they converted their religion. The Ancient Roman Emperor, Gothicus was outraged by this, and had the entire family executed and St. Valentine beheaded. Before he was beheaded though, while in jail he had been rumored to have signed a letter to the same little girl he healed, signing it “from your Valentine”. Potentially the origin of valentines. Still quite dark and confusing for a lovey-dovey holiday.

Another common legend with Valentine’s Day origins was related to a St. Valentine who defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples, to spare the husbands from going to war. This would make more sense, as this legend has less to do with love than blindness and beheading.

As stated before, there is no confirmed origin of Valentine’s Day, but these myths are quite interesting, nonetheless. Valentine’s Day has really been turned into something commercial over the years, an easy way to make money off love and chocolates.

Picture of Hearts. Photo by

What does Howard think?

After being asked the question, ‘What do you do on Valentine’s Day?’ it was found out that, an estimated 56% of students questioned from Howard High School just spend the holiday sleeping or doing nothing. Like they would on any normal day. These students would also add that if they did have a date or significant other they might’ve spent the day with them or going out. The theory that having a date or ‘valentine’ encourages people to go out and celebrate is further supported by two more interviews with teachers from Howard High School.

Mr. Brock from HHS states that he enjoys the holiday as he normally spends it with his wife and children. He gives his wife flowers and his kids some gifts, as most people with beloved ones would. On the contrary Mr. Bartlett, also an educator at HHS clearly states that he despises the holiday and claims it to be fake stating.

“Valentine’s Day is a fake holiday made up by flower, chocolate, and card companies,” he said.

After being asked if he does anything for, he replied saying no, as the roses he would normally get for his girlfriend or ‘special lady friend’ would go from $80 to a whopping $300 on the holiday.

Overall, everyone has their own perspective of the holiday.

Picture of chocolates. Photo by

Fun Facts:

· The first Valentines appeared in the 1500s, and by the late 1700s commercially printed cards were being used.

· The day is most popular in the US., as well as in Britain, Canada, and Australia.

· Birds are known as a symbol of the day, because it was thought that the avian mating season begins in mid-February.

