The Rotary Speech Contest is Here!

Husky Howler
The Husky Howler
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2022

by Kayla Murphy

Rotary Speech Logo

The rotary speech competition is back again this year and is open to all high school students in the Macon-Bibb area!

The rotary speech competition is an annual endeavor that brings together fellow Rotarians, educators, and students for a meaningful and satisfying opportunity to help our country’s future leaders develop their skills.

This competition is sponsored by Downtown Macon Rotary, Macon Rotary, and North Macon Rotary. The contest is conducted through the 4 -way test, which asks the following questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

In order to compete, you must go through two stages of the competition, a school-wide competition, and a district competition.

To compete in the school-wide competition you must write a 3–4-minute speech over the topic “Serve to Change Lives” or “The 4 Way Test,” which was mentioned above. After that, a hard copy of your speech must be submitted to your English teacher by Thursday, February 17. Then on Thursday, February 24 during pack time, the competition will be held.

Only two students will be chosen to compete in the district competition held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 6 pm — 8:30 pm.

For this competition, you must memorize and present your 3–4-minute speech in front of an audience at the Professional Learning Center (2003 Riverside Dr, PLC.1 Macon, Ga). Presentation is important meaning, eye contact, body language, voice inflection, and your appearance is essential.

There are various scholarship prizes that are awarded including, $1,000 for 1st place, $500 for 2nd place, and $250 for third place. Along with this, there is an opportunity for the competitors to win an Austin Childers scholarship.

Senior, Leo Zhang, who was a former participant of this event, shared his experience and knowledge about the event.

Leo says that the rotary speech contest is very unique because of its values and ways.

“The rotary speech contest is unique because they have their 4-way test and they have this motto before every meeting. It stands for everything that they, as a club, believe in and that is the core of your essay,” he said.

He also had some advice for people who wanted to participate this year.

Leo said, “If you want to participate, go ahead and shoot for it because it’s really crucial for you to start early whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior or even senior. It’s never too early to start nor is it too late to begin. I also think you should participate in the speech contest because it helps your public speaking by just putting yourself out there, and putting your name into your community because at rotary international, these people have positions in Macon that can help you outreach and gain more opportunities.

If you are interested, make sure you participate in this year’s rotary speech contest!

