Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2021


Claiming your tokens:

Tomorrow will mark the 30th day since our platform went live. It has been an incredible month for us and we have so many exciting things planned going forward.

As stipulated for all investors and advisors and IDO participants, our first batch of tokens will be unlocked starting tomorrow at 8:00 pm UTC.

For those IDO participants who used TrustPad and Moonstarter, please contact them directly for instructions on how to claim. If you participated on Chainboost, read below.

Chainboost participants will be allowed to claim their tokens using this link:

Just connect your wallet and you will be able to claim all at once.

For advisors and private sale investors, please also use that link as well. In an effort to maintain the projects longevity, we will be distributing the 8.33 percent of the tokens owed over the course of 14 days. Including the team allocations. We will not be distributing it all at once tomorrow.

Everyone will be treated on equal terms. We will then be switching to daily unlocks from that point forward which should make everyone happy. In addition we will also be speeding up the vesting schedule for IDO participants tokens starting next month as well with 40 percent distributed instead of 20 percent.

This will be done to ensure there’s no massive dump every month and avoid creating any fear for any investor wishing to enter the market. This also will help sustain the longevity of the project so people can enjoy what’s to come and to allow others to exit when they wish. In addition to ensuring one bad actor doesn’t wipe out all the liquidity.

We thank you for your continued support. The HUSL will keep growing and evolving and is determined to make this project a massive success.

