The Downfall of Brick Mortar in the Music Industry: How the HUSL Raises the Bar for Music Distribution

Aydan Flemmings
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2021

Remember the days when your favorite musical artist was set to release their latest album? We sure do. People would line up hours in advance outside brick and mortar CD stores just to get their hands on a copy, and they paid handsomely for it. But as time passed and we discovered more use-cases for the internet, it didn’t take long for music stores to see those line ups disappear and sales decline — almost entirely.

Today’s music stores, or at least ones that are still left standing, come in the form of big-box stores like Target and Walmart. These retailers, although not all locations, do have a designated section with a modest selection of DVDs and CDs, the likes of which you probably won’t be interested in or can easily get for free online.

But what about the musicians they aren’t featuring? Where is their platform? The brick-and-mortar model all but failed the music industry from day one with record companies, manufacturers, and distributors getting in the way of other musicians’ success, and only picking the artists they could make the most profits with. Some say the eventual closing of many brick and mortar stores was their just reward, and we’re inclined to agree.

The Failure of Digital Streaming Services

So where does the failure of brick and mortar leave us? The first logical answer is streaming services, with Spotify and Apple Music as the heavy hitters in the marketplace. But does that automatically make them the best options? Well, that depends on what you want your experience to be. If you’re looking for a platform that filters artists through a chain of marketers, distributors, investors, and retailers, by all means, have a ball.

But if you’re looking for a music experience like no other, one that provides a platform for a diverse range of artists and lets you share in their success, you’re going to want to keep reading.

The HUSL: Changing the Music Game with NFTs

The HUSL is a platform for music lovers and creators. It builds the bridge that’s been missing for decades in the music industry and connects artists with grassroots fans to our wider music sharing ecosystem. When one of our users hears a song they like from an up-and-coming artist, they can explore that musician’s track collection, and purchase one of their albums in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). That NFT is unique and cannot be replicated in any way, and it is much more than just a novelty item.

The NFTs purchased on the HUSL hold an intrinsic value and create a bond between the consumer and the artist. As the artist’s music continues to evolve, and their popularity grows, so does the value of the NFT that was purchased. The HUSL also lets artists interact directly with their fans, with no intermediaries having the final say as to what the value of their creation is, or if it will have any chance of succeeding at all.

Democratizing the Music Industry

The failure of brick-and-mortar stores and major streaming services to provide a fair and balanced music distribution system has held far too many artists down for too long. The HUSL empowers artists and fans by removing self-interest groups from the music-sharing process, democratizing the music industry, and giving every artist an equal opportunity to realize their dreams.

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