The Question Interviewers Should Be Asking

Lyle McKeany
The Hustle.Co
2 min readOct 5, 2015


“What advice would you give your 22-year-old self?”

If you’re an avid podcast listener like I am, I guarantee you’ve heard a version of this question. I think it sucks.

Most of the time the response is something like, “Um…I don’t know. Buy Apple stock?” Followed by an awkward laugh and sometimes a better attempt at a real answer. Sometimes.

The question isn’t framed well. It leads the interviewee to answer it by finding faults in their past behavior. That’s why you hear answers like, “I would tell myself to focus more.” — or — “I would say, ‘stop stressing out dude, everything’s going to be fine.’”

The interviewer is implying that the interviewee was less wise when he/she was younger. Yet it’s often the case that they became successful, and are now the featured interview on a prominent podcast, precisely because they were less wise and young. Not despite it.

Those types of answers aren’t inspiring for those of us who feel like we haven’t quite “made it” yet. We all have enough self-doubt as it is. Do we need yet another thing creeping into our minds to perpetuate it even more?

That’s why I came up with a follow-up question that I think could spark some intriguing answers:

“What advice would your 22-year-old self give you today?”

Here are some answers I thought of for myself:

  • Keep making music. It’s a great creative outlet. You don’t have to do it as a profession. Just keep doing it.
  • Strive to be one of the best at your profession. It’s not worth it to just be mediocre.
  • Have an opinion. Don’t just follow the herd.
  • There’s plenty of time to do great things in your life.

I’d love to hear answers from anyone reading this, as well. Type a response below.

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