The Hustle Grind Begins

Dayo Koleowo
The Hustle Grind
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2016

Helping, Educating, Inspiring and Connecting Entrepreneurs…

If there is anything I have learnt as an entrepreneur over the past one and half years is how lonely, difficult, crazy, stressful, and demanding the life of an entrepreneur can get. I can say it is worse in this part of the world where everything seems like a tall order and only a few believe in and support you. Even then, the few still think you’re crazy and mad half the time for deciding to be an entrepreneur.

This idea was borne out of the passion to see the entrepreneurship ecosystem grow into a vibrant force where there is an opportunity for anyone that decides to own a business or run a startup to stand a chance of being successful. A community of entrepreneurs that believes in each other, that willing to help at all times, that is ready to share lessons on how to make it in an up hill terrain, that believes in friendships and not just making contacts is a community that I would love to see.

Okay, to the point…

The Hustle Grind is an entrepreneurial community designed to help, educate, inspire and connect entrepreneurs in Africa. The approach is to host monthly fireside chats featuring successful local entrepreneurs, innovators, startup founders and investors who would share lessons learnt on the road to building great companies. This event provides huge opportunities to connect with the people behind these amazing startups and companies, learn a thing or two from them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and get inspired for the entrepreneurial journey ahead.

For the first edition, I will be speaking with Angel Adelaja, Founder and CEO of Fresh Direct Produce and Agro-Allied Services, an agricultural production and processing company utilizing advanced technologies to improve crop yield headquartered in Abuja. Kindly get your ticket here if you would love to be a part of this amazing time.

I am really excited and I look forward to seeing you as we start this journey together.



Dayo Koleowo
The Hustle Grind

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