Entropy Token Liquidity (ENTRP)

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2018
ENTRP Token Liquidity

As part of the development of The Hut34 Project and ecosystem, we believe creation of liquid and vibrant markets for the Hut34 Entropy Token (ENTRP) is a criticial factor for success.

Token liquidity will allow future ecosystem participants to rapidly and cost effectively purchase tokens for participation in the services available across the platform and network.

Increased Entropy Token liquidity should minimise transaction costs through (i) reducing any spread when purchasing tokens and (ii) reduce slippage costs associated with excessive token price volatility.

For that goal during 2018 we will be seeking to support or facilitate creation of one or more liquidity pools for the ENTRP token.

We strongly believe in decentralisation, so we do not create markets for the ENTRP token. Our preference will be to support the exciting and rapid developments in the decentralised protocol and exchange space developed by others. Projects such as 0x and Bancor, to name a couple, will all be considered under our 2018 liquidity roadmap.


The first liquidity platform we will be supporting will be on the EtherDelta exchange. The ‘Order Book’ for the Hut34 Entropy Token (ENTRP) can be accessed through this link.

Alternatively you can add, and subsequently access, the ENTRP token yourself by following these steps;

  1. Select “Other” token.
1. Select “Other” token

2. Enter “Other token” details.

These are simply the custom token details you would have entered in your MEW.

Token Address : 0x5BC7e5f0Ab8b2E10D2D0a3F21739FCe62459aeF3
Token Symbol : ENTRP
Token Decimals : 18

2. Enter “Other token” details

3. Bookmark the ‘Order Book’ URL.

3. Bookmark the Order Book

To return to the order book you should store the URL, and use this when for future EtherDelta market access.

*We do not support or endorse EtherDelta and EtherDelta has not given us any benefit to us for facilitating the listing. We are not responsible for the services by EtherDelta or any other liquidity platform, including if they default. We will not be liable in any circumstances for the acts, omissions or statements by the EtherDelta business, or any losses that may arise from your use of it.

Listing (or de-listing) by third party market providers can occur without our involvement. Whether or not we facilitate a listing or later withdraw our support, you use any liquidity platform, market or exchange (whatever they call themselves) entirely at your own risk. Please check their terms and consider your risks before agreeing to them.


It is not our role to provide support for any secondary trading of tokens, nor provide exchange specific support. It’s up to individual token holders to manage their knowledge base and exposures in this wonderful self sovereign world we are participating in!

Onwards and Hutwards

The Hut34 Project.



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The Agile Data Company. We solve data problems, because data solves problems.Hut34 is building the tools for the new data economy.