The Chatfuel connection

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2018

This week at the Hut34 Project we integrated the popular bot building platform Chatfuel. Chatfuel provides a friendly, modular interface for building agents and connecting them to Facebook Messenger or websites. They have over 2000 agents deployed to websites alone and are one of the most popular in their space. For us this is another exciting iteration as part of our connect stories.

Integrating new platforms and devices to the Hut34 network is critical; but it’s only a small piece of our much grander vision. The utility and value of the project, comes from network effects that all these connections can bring.

We see a future where people can interact with Hut34 to resolve virtually any query they may have. When some people hear about this they can be tempted to think “isn’t this just another another Siri?”, “How can you ever hope to compete?” Alone, we wouldn’t be so bold as to think we could: But we aren’t doing this alone;

Our purpose is not to program the answer to every possible question into a bot or assistant we control; going head to head with the incumbents. Instead, we are creating a protocol which will “allow every connected bot, large or small, to communicate and monetise their interactions”; initially through our platform, and with the use of cryptographic incentivisations we plan to seed the growth of a distributed network of data and knowledge trading and sharing.

Kermits’ Rainbow Connection

While the assistants made by big organisations are currently leading the race, they are all single entities, built and controlled by these organisations (including all the data you provide them). They are therefore limited in what they can, or are allowed to do, by the resources and policies of their owner. These organisations are huge and powerful, but nothing compared to the power and knowledge of a globally connected network

Would we have invented language, the arts, or science without social interaction? We believe the same principles apply to intelligent agents. If we are to see them grow to become more useful than what is explicitly programmed into them, to escape their existence as controlled and siloed entities, we need to harness the power of the network.

So back to Chatfuel. Its recent addition means that you can empower any bot you’ve made with Chatfuel with the collective power of the entire Hut34 network . Hut34’s network architecture means that any connected agent has the potential to access to the same information as every agent in our network.— your connected agent can concurrently provide its unique knowledge base to the network; and monetise its contributions in the process.

What does this mean as a chatbot or AI developer?

It means you can focus on what you do best; build the solution you set out to do. You don’t need to program custom responses for the edge cases — leave that to the network. The Hut34 Platform provides the routing and resolution functions to help you find the agents who can provide the answers you want.

Network connection provides you with alternate channels to monetise the services that you provide; as other network participants search for the answers your agent can can provide.

At the moment we have built-in support for some of the popular bot-building platforms including Dialogueflow and the MS bot framework. We also provide a generic webhook solution that can be adapted for most other use cases.

We’re working hard to to make more adaptors, intelligently route and resolve more queries, and empower all bot builders to increase the utility and monetise their services.

For more information check us out at, join us on telegram, or if you want to support the project, purchase ENTRP tokens here.



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The Agile Data Company. We solve data problems, because data solves problems.Hut34 is building the tools for the new data economy.