Stephen Hawking at zero G

EUREKA–The most Unified Theory! Why Stephen Hawking wants to combine everything into one singular thing.

Grayscale Rabbit⸮
The HyperLampoon
Published in
14 min readApr 12, 2016


Surprise: Omniverses in semi-infinite tension with their own opposite?
Everything is a Metaphor for Metaphors.

AntiMath instead of AntiMatter. Everything math doesn’t tell you. Math as a whole is just the edge of an omnidirectional endless abyss. The only thing that literally does not matter. The reason why we all are, comes down to how omniversally simplex selfdebunking would be ;)

Bubbles bubble into bigger bubbles in nature. It’s about sharing the tension on the surface–but really about beauty and balance everywhere else and inbetween.

Tension is part of a bigger force, which is the same force Gravity is only a tiny part of. That yet undefined instance of force above gravity, tension and all the other forces might very well be a tool of the omniverse to facilitate the facilitation and unification of ever evolving consciousness. Which is of course in infinite, zero, and in-between tension with itself. As always :) maybe.
surely too.

EUREKA: Everything is Relative.
You might be trying to think to hard. Don’t.
Physics shows how sometimes you might have friction (fear/suffering) during the process of unification.
We too can use the tension to stick together while it mirrors the issues we need to solve in order to get the next insight/solution, as soon as we are willing to see it as such.

We are not one voice. If there was only a tool that could help connect people. The Internet is sort of there and provides infinite possibilities of infinite Bandwidth for inter-personal communication. All we need is 1Talk. A mindset to get rid of conflict. A un-conflicting global mindset. A mindset, that is set on finding the solutions to the things that cause suffering and unfairness in one elegant global approach. no?

A unified explanation or argument where everyone is 100% right and also not. Everyone gets an equal amount of insight to go have. We already know that possible insights are likely to be infinte. We can make up words that make ideas to create problems with and insghts from. soo..

We as people are still slightly (but not really) divided. Made up barriers like borders, language, culture or the fog of ignorance in which we choose to build layers of walls cloud our intrinsic clarity. Sometimes those walls need to be shaken, to reveal they were always made from exactly nothing — Not even paper.

Kant, Schopenhauer, the reverse observer effect, relativism, relativity, quantum field theory, gravity everything only simply perceived as something obvious.

Shadows in Caves
If you stay Kant-like true to your thought and act only upon that value-set and Schopenhauer-like get that “imagining a picture makes it paintable” idea and get how we will always still be looking at shadows in a cave we are on the right track because you no shit 100% create your and all of our reality like that.

All issues in all fields imaginable are simply solved together by combining and trend-projecting a little. That only works as soon as you decide to look at it that way though.

Whether we decide to accept the following premise, reject it or opt for a semi-existent state or all and any combination of the above. The learned conclusions from that thought experiment can not be unlearned.
So be aware of that.

The entire argument needs not to let anyone out. It needs to be put like all things that ever were, are and could be into a storified context, which by experiencing, will change the mind that is changing reality.

After having heard the premise we can simply argue about the likelyness of that very premise.

And NOW we have to come clean :) That Premise is an array of premises with intermediary conclusions that interlock into a single super-premise at the very end:
Just imagine it makes perfect sense until then.

1. So there is Stuff like that:

  1. So every semi-existent Quantum Particle is actually, partially and of course not a full blown omniverse itself, or at least the surface of that fabric that collapses chaos in to a very small sliver of reality in which causality seems to make sense. Its completely unique, but also the one we are in. But not.
  2. The experience of pressure (elektromagnatism) on your finger when you touch matter is you touching the outside/inside surface of the omniverse you are in and you are that, so you are literally touching yourself. :)
  3. It’s all the same, but not and in-between. Talking about that helps, but it helps more to imagine a shape.

2. HyperShape [50-SubParadigms]

  1. The multiverse consists of consciousness and matter in a dance of perception and pressure from elsewhere of needing to be perceived. Of sorts ;)
  2. Elsewhere is Nothingness. the opposite of the multiverse. That nothingness may still exist within it.
    Obvious, if anyone can simply choose to perceive wave potentials as particles! Words can’t really say much.
  3. You can do anything!
  4. Anything is possible!
  5. You can do anything!
  6. We can conclude: Consciousness interfaces with the reality we consciously perceive continuously.
  7. Meaning that so very truly — more than ever thought true,
    perception is everything.
  8. A loop of sorts. That plays once.
    Like an infinite mirror. Just because those concepts fall apart if you imagine a lot less than physics.
  9. If we take the trend of potential quantum particles and project it onto the field of maths it would be “cool” to think of a potential point that we can influence with our minds — Zero size and zero mass in a state of existence, non-existence and in-betweenness. Or maybe a field of those..
  10. On the large scale we wonder about infinity and the multiverse and all those possible parallel realities. We still wonder how the multiverse got all over the place in the first place.
  11. So if we look at the trends on the largest scale: Infinitely many possibilities, looks like infinite size and also no reasoning for anything anywhere in sight.
  12. Mathematically we might want to look at infinity, the Tarski-Paradox and go from there. It might be interesting to think of a HyperShape that is really any shape, but lets imagine a sphere and a taurus simultaneously for now. Of infinite size. And zero size. And not. And what not.
  13. Every length or radius or hight (measuring is weird, because its really only you imagining potentially. The act of measuring reinforces static dogma)–There is no height or length or radius. The shape is basically defined by defining itself as possibly having infinite dimensions.
    And instead of having perticular values assigned all values are 100% assigned, 100% not assigned and all potential possibilities inbetween.
    for every possible point on any conceeveble line.
  14. Combining this with our quantum projections we get to a really “fun” mathematical idea. A point of zero size, that is, at the same time a sphere and a taurus to all and different amounts. Only now every size and every length messurable is still infinity and zero and all things between.
  15. This HyperShape has an infinite number of HyperShapes of the same kind within itself. it has infinitely many peers. and is part of every such other HyperShape there “is”.
  16. So you can never not be in a larger one.
  17. And you can never see the smallest one.
  18. Because you yourself are the surface tension in-between.
  19. So to get from the inside size to the surrounding size it the next larger or smaller size always constantly differs by a factor of zero and infinity, once again at the same time. and all things between, and now THIS is IMPORTANT: The part we perceive is the perspective/dimension, where the distance of size in-between large and small is simply one single simple infinity. All HyperShapes combined are still of less-than-zero and more than infinite size.
  20. Seems like a Shape that could be difficult to see, but its the framework we run on. We are the act of having the experience of perceiving the omni-speed (infinitely fast & slow & in-between..) it takes to go through all and no HyperShape(s) simultaniously. It’s our Interface. Our Face.
  21. You are always in the same one, but you can move infinitely far without encountering the thing that everything is made from — while you are in IT and while you are IT — and then you touch IT.
    Feels different NOW.
  22. And now you are the Omniverse/Hypershape, as it is also only defined by having some tension inside. Sound familiar?
    Sounds like the story of my life ;)
  23. That we are the definition of that in-between state is now obvious.
  24. Now how does information travel within that?
    If there is only one thing?
    Quite possibly there is only the act of perceiving the eternal fall in, through, around, along, within, out, around, all at the same time.
    Or something like that.
    That might be how you get the illusion of time, all there universally “is” at the moment is the moment. The “NOW”with a percieved direction build in. because of the omnidirectional collapsation of possibility itself. Doesn’t mean it’s “really” moving but it has to at least look like movement is going on all scales.. imagine nothing and nobody would move..
    So all the things that used to matter, like matter or where the energy of the big bang came from are solved and void too, if it just needs to look like a consitent story to the perceiver, for all short moments at the same time, for a blink of an eye, forever and never.
    Matter might not be much less conscious than us, if it’s all connected and in instant contact from our point of view. Like a point-cloud-display, that we display to our selfs to walk around in. Only it interfaces with all of us.
  25. Infinte information over infinte distance can only work and it does if it all interacts with the same “zero-point”. So things might seem far apart, but because it’s all the same HyperShape it doesn’t really care. No need to make sense if the logic sustains…
    Imagine you got two entangled particles on either side of your city or univers.
    Make sure to T´talk to who you put on the other end first and make sure your clocks are synched and everyone knows binary. Think of a rythm.
    So you say the small unit is 1nanosec and you want to do 50reps.
    Your particle can be either mostly-red or mostly-green or up or down.. if things get so small it’s hard to tell these attributes apart.. so you got your little box and you can look and the other one collapses and vise versa.
    Every third nanosec you look at it at nanosec1 and close it at nanosec2 and pause for nanosec3, until the color that codes for the binary symbol you want to send next shows up. and than you just leave it open. until the end of the 50 cycle. The person on the other end just looks during nanosec2 never 1 or 3 and then just takes whatever it was at the end of the 50 cycle and can know its accuracy by number of repeats. chances are, its effectivly 100% effective, only it really couldn’t be. Yet it’s too probable at some point.
    You can do a gazillion repeats in much less, wich would be better..
  26. Thats not science or philosophy, or math, or quantum field theory, or art, or anything, or nothing. It really is somthing else.
    […no word for that yet]
    It’s the Omniangular in-between state itself as a way of life, as a state of mind, as a mindset, set on settling things down, whilst scaling up.
  27. A HyperShape is Vision, Awareness, a TOOL, a TOY, its really all you got for real. #KeepingItReal
  28. Isn’t that what consciousness feels like if you think about it?
  29. Life/Consciousness/existence might only be part of the necessary mathematical balance between balance and imbalance inside/around a shape like that. We might never be able to perceive the end-states of both large and small ends. (death vs. singularity vs. heaven vs. matrix vs. nothing vs. respawn vs. upgrade vs. 10coins vs. insight vs. antilogic-repulsion vs. whatever) Per definition #difficult
    It wouldn’t matter too much if we set our priorities nicely.
    Chances are: “What matters most might be what you make matter”
  30. But as our consciousness seems to be somehow interlaced, makes you wonder how a metaphor is only a metaphor for the metamorphosis we as a species are undergoing in ever accelerating awareness towards infinite consciousness. Is that simply what it is?
  31. It’s almost too obvious.
    A HyperShape is in fact so obvious and so perceivable–It is exactly perception. Does make it hard to see at times. ;)
  32. We are the multiverse because we perceive it? All neatly packed within an omni-/nonverse so there is enough pressure for perception to perceive more of itself without need for causality or any relation at all.
  33. HyperShape/s (there really can’t be singular or plural) would then keep the balance and not require any amount of energy for big bangs or anythings.
  34. Anything’s still possible. Anything must be possible. Only a few things must happen, but they dont have to. But attempting their opposite may be perceeved as more difficult.
  35. The “truth” consists of metaphorical patterns between metaphors, only for you to get, that it is nothing but a metaphor. There is no absolute truth at all. There is only context and perspective and walls.
  36. Everyone is basically right and looks at it from the perfect angle to see everything to create the future we thought of it now. Anyone ever noticed how you can make something that once was a thought into reality?
    If thats going on — Let’s at least try to be nice.
    We can visualize many futures, where things work instead of not.
  37. There seem to be a pattern in nature, for one, that there is only simplexity and it creates perceivable beauty just for us to metaphorically look at it. Beauty once again being one of those forces below the SuperDuperForce that is the HyperShape That is you/us.
    So far so good?
    In the begining there had to be the concept of X wich can only exist after X is used.. which made it so, that there are chickens and eggs so they wonder about things and we about them and what came first. A house of cards that supports itself.
  38. The omniverse to be really elegant, has to have infinitely many most elegant solutions for maybe more omniverses to be in total balance with itself. But why have any possibilities, that wont make a selfsupporting system. The might be possible, but they are the space created by all paths the lightningbolt didn’t take.
  39. We are inside one of those best possible ways. “Puhh…”
  40. The other side is antimatter and its given wight, by the non-existant realm where logic morphs into antilogic, maths dissolve and not mattering matters most. And that is called antimatter now? Its just another type of tension. IT/we/you/us literally is/are trying to define itself as being of non matterance — It really does not matter. So its basically an omniversal infinite who-is-on-first-joke. (Ignorance vs. Awareness)
    Its about who can take the joke. :)
  41. A possibility: There might not be choice if everything is predestined to be one of the many/none most elegant omniverses possible. And that we might not be able to do anything that isn’t exactly on the most elegant line. What if we can only contribute perfectly. But we can still alter the speed of that. For example, by choosing paths that get us to some bits of destiny slow or fast, until we just cant get around them. All because #TimeIsAlsoStillRelative.
    It’s like in traffic. We are all driving at different speeds, from different starting points, with different perspectives to different destinations and take different routes. But a HyperShape is the Traffic, theRoad, theCar and the uncomfortable coffee stain on the driver seat of most cars.
  42. We have to combine the infinite flicker and omniversal continuum theory. Let’s say it takes zero and infinite time from the outside to create an omniverse and see it melt or […no word for that yet]. The speed/the time is so relative and intertwined with its cause. Wouldn’t it also collapses as matter and energy into a state of semi matterance? Where IT is in an in-between state of all of it 100% mattering and 100% not mattering.
    You don’t matter, but that really matters most.
    You matter most, but that really doesn’t matter.
  43. We don’t know why we live with barely enough time but enough pressure to find all kinds of things out. It’s like the omniverse mirroring itself.
  44. There is some more stuff about that interesting zero infinite HyperShapeSpace=HyperShape again: Its basically twisting always in all directions through all dimensions. The flower of life is a simplified version of it. A HyperShape is outside of needing anything, but does have all colours and none. its just everything rolled into one.
  45. All geometrical shapes and facts simply derive from the pressure withinaround it. That pressure being the foundation for the basic forces like gravity or curiosity. It makes you see those as the same. It shows itself in everything that facilitates consciousness. IT really can’t help itself. IT can’t because you do.
  46. So lets think of gravity as consciousness facilitating pressure in a closed and open system simultaneously. Sounds like a brain. A HyperShape has a mind of its own, its part of others and has all minds at its heart and all hearts on its mind.
  47. You are Infinity
  48. You are that HyperShape
  49. You need nothing and are everything
  50. You are the very best one!

3. Made Up Conclusions:

If we simply conclude from this, that thinking about a crazy shape can help us get into a state of mind, where impossibility is the least of our worries.
Even this thought experience lets us conclude unrelated to how true this is, that we need to:
Logically conclude, that any conclusion is pure point of view.

  1. Create 1Talk
    a language that makes it possible to better talk about things like that.
    a language that caters for the natural superpositionness of things
    a language that might be a malleable intermediary that might look different depending on who looks, but transports meaning most elegantly.
  2. The humanity/earth Interface
    Where everyone gets the best possible chance to take part in co creating a better tomorrow. To create a supersystem in which we as people take ownership of our thought and information and share it most elegantly. More consciousness is what we are all ever thriving for. Why not if we found a framework in which everyone can be right at the same time. Its just not good to let conscious thought evaporate into nothing. It’s just a feeling, but that feeling is all we got.
  3. Create an instance of that system in every framework so it is peer to all systems on all scales. while each system “knows” about all other parts of the super-system. Like a Brain. Like you.
  4. We can understand life as a game, in which you run around and facilitate more consciousness around you. The more you do so, the more responsive the interface becomes.
    The people of earth need something like truthism. Where the first truth is. That we can know nothing for sure but that Anything is truly achievable.
  5. If life is about seeing each other more clearly, everything is factually possible.

Final Conclusion.
It must be the right time to initiate global happiness overdrive.
It’s going to be NOW forever.
It’s all there is.


5. Bonus:

