HyperSpace Beta Goes Live!

The HyperSpace Blog
3 min readJan 28, 2019

After a month of validating our novel economic models and testing user experience assumptions as well as the technical foundations of the new network, HyperSpace is moving from Alpha to Beta.

New Features

Personal Notifications

Personal notifications are displayed next to the user’s profile image, keeping you on the pulse of your Spaces and earnings.

HyperSpace notifications

Enhanced Post Page

The enhanced post page includes:

  • Recommendations for additional posts by the author and in the Space displayed on the right
  • Information about users earning from the post displayed right after it
HyperSpace post page

Profile Page

The profile page displays all the information about a user’s activity and earnings:

  • Total earnings
  • Verified posts and their earnings
  • Amplifications

Get to your profile page by clicking on your image on the right upper corner. Choose “My Profile” from the dropdown.

Get to other users’ profile pages by clicking on their profile image or username.

The profile page will later be updated with more features and stats, becoming a dashboard giving you a view of your HyperSpace-wide activity.

HyperSpace profile


When sharing a link to a post on HyperSpace, a preview of the title, image, and text will be displayed automatically. This post preview will relay what the post is about when you share it, and also help index the page and make it easy for search engines to find.

Make sure to add an appealing headline, a great picture, and a good description of your content in the first paragraph when creating a post in HyperSpace. Bringing in new users to HyperSpace or to the Space the post is in, provides you with rewards, which leads us to…

Distributor Role

Being a distributor means sharing a post outside of HyperSpace that motivates a new user to join HyperSpace — or the Space the post is in — and Amplify that post. The distributor earns 15% of this Amplification (7.5% if the user is only new to the Space) as well as a nice bump in User Power.

Note that you’ll get this bonus only if you post these links outside of HyperSpace. Don’t forget to hit the “Share” button at the top left of the post, where you’ll find the link with your unique referral code.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Improved trending algorithm to optimize your feed
  • Improved comments interface
  • Improved new user progress bar
  • Improved UBI timer
  • Changed post preview image requirements
  • Added an age restriction/NSFW to the signup process
  • Increased Space creation fee to 1,000 AMPs

The HyperSpace Beta Is Open to Everyone

Whether you are a content creator, Space admin or content curator, HyperSpace provides a novel way to monetize the value you create online while making your community thrive. Simply be your same social self on HyperSpace:

  • Be a Creator — Get paid for creating content that you are passionate about and that your community appreciates
  • Be a Space Admin — Get paid for creating and managing a community around your favorite topic
  • Be a Curator — Get paid for gathering, organizing and sharing content that matters to you and that your community finds valuable

Join HyperSpace Now!

Beta Users Enjoy Exclusive Benefits

  • Benefit from an increased daily allowance of AMPs. The earlier you sign up, the more AMPs you get
  • Establish a reputation that will last beyond the Beta, continuing to reward you for your contributions
  • Become a partner in shaping HyperSpace’s future direction, culture and tone

Join HyperSpace Now!

