User Accounts with Next.js — An Extensive Tutorial

Nick Redmark
The Ideal System
Published in
17 min readOct 19, 2018

There is an issue on the next.js repo that has been open since the early days of the project (October 2016), it’s called Add login / authentication example and is one of 2 issues tagged Priority: OMG Maximum. The issue has 185 comments, many of which mine (I joined the conversation in February 2017).

As I’ve written elsewhere, Next.js has been my gateway out of Meteor.js and into the pure Node.js world, a transition that mirrored Arunoda’s, a meteor thought leader in the old days, now working for ZEIT, the company behind Next.js (a bit of history trivia from the Year of JavaScript Fatigue).

A killer feature of Meteor.js was the accounts system. I’ve never seen anything in JavaScript land getting anywhere close to the ease of use you would get with meteor to bootstrap user identity management. But meteor had some other problems, the main one being it’s a tightly coupled monolithtic mess (really). If there is something I learned from trying to escape it is that the UNIX principle (do one thing and do it well) really is golden. Libraries need a lot of glue, but they outlive frameworks that do a lot of the magic for you.

To approach the ease of creating an accounts system I experienced with meteor.js, I developed ooth, a set of npm packages (a core server package, a core client package, and a number of plugins) built on top of passport.js to manage user accounts. The repo now has 376 stars and I’ve been using it regularly.

Time for a Comprehensive Tutorial

For a good introduction check out the talk about ooth I gave at the FrontendConf in Zurich. If you are looking for a broad overview of ooth’s features check out the documentation.

My talk starts at 11:22

The main problem: because I wanted to provide a large number of options, Ooth has a high learning curve. People have been crying for a tutorial. But it’s hard to create a tutorial that will make everyone happy (precisely because of the high number of ways one can approach and think about user authentication and user accounts/identity management).

Which is why I’m writing this article. Here you will find an Ooth tutorial, providing you not the simple-as-possible hello world example (there are enough of those in the repo), but the opinionated, reasoned this-is-the-way-you-do it example. This is why I use next.js here: because I personally believe it is the right tool looking to the future (more precisely, because of its genius concept of component lifecycles that start on the server and continue on the client, giving you SSR and other advantages).

To a certain degree this is a brain dump of everything I’ve been learning about this topic in the past year or two. Let’s jump into it.

For quick satisfaction run the following commands now to have a working example (you need node 10 and docker-compose installed):

git clone
cd staart/examples/staart
npm run bootstrap
npm run start:local

Access the app at http://localhost:8080. The same example is available live at

Note: Facebook/Google login and sending mails won’t work because these features would require you to create some accounts and configure the app, but don’t worry about that for now.

I’m happy to discuss details with you on slack — I usually respond within hours.

So You Want User Accounts

Let’s clarify a few concepts:

  • Authentication is a mechanism through which a server can verify a client’s identity.
  • Authorization is a mechanism through which a server decides whether a client has access to or can modify a specific resource.
  • User identity management is a system with which the server stores, updates etc. the user identity, in particular the credentials needed for authentication. Also known as user accounts.

The de facto solution for user authentication in JavaScript land is Passport.js. Which is why I didn’t reinvent the wheel and let Oooth depend heavily on passport.js packages. Authorization is out of scope and I won’t discuss it here. It’s user identity management that passport.js leaves as an exercise to the reader (and that meteor did so well).

Our mission: to provide a number of strategies with which the user can authenticate and manage the user session and required credentials properly.

We want to achieve this. And (spoiler alert) we will. Also check the live example!

More concretely, we want our user to be able to log in with Facebook, Google, and with a classic username-or-email/password pair. We want to handle all the flows that this requires, such as discovering overlapping emails, registration, forgot password, reset password etc. Luckily, ooth takes care of most of that for us, it’s a matter of configuring it. But before we jump into it we have to discuss another issue that complicates things, namely how we want to handle the user “session”.

How to Keep the User Logged In: Cookie-Based Sessions or JWTs?

There are two main strategies to keep the user logged in: cookie-based sessions or JWTs (Json Web Tokens).

With sessions the server creates a session ID that it sends you as a cookie. At the same time it associates a user id with that session ID. That association can be stored in memory or in some form of storage (a db, or redis…). The two main disadvantages of this approach are:

  • You can’t transfer your session across domains (because of how cookies work).
  • It’s stateful (honestly I don’t really get why this is a problem, but it’s often listed as a downside)

JWTs are tokens signed by the server that certify that the holder of the token has a certain identity. The client can provide the JWT back to the server (or to another server!) which can then verify the caller’s identity. JWTs have an expiry date, after which the user usually has to log in again. The advantages of this solution are that it is stateless and can be used for authentication across domains. But that’s not the whole story.

Common practices associated with JWT are refresh tokens with which the client can request a new JWT. The server can also create a token blacklist to revoke certain tokens. The problem with these practices is that they aren’t stateless, thus eliminating one of the advantages of JWT.

The other issue is that to transfer the JWT across domains the client has to store it somewhere, usually in localStorage. In case of an XSS injection, the attacker could steal the token and thus impersonify the user towards any server that accepts such tokens. This is not an issue if the client is a non-browser application, such as a desktop app, another api or a desktop app.

Long story short, here is the way I think about it:

  • If you absolutely need cross-location auth use JWT <- but if possible avoid because of security.
  • If you need to auth from any client that is not a browser and doesn’t have the XSS issue (e.g. a desktop or mobile app) use JWTs.
  • Otherwise, use cookie-based sessions.

Which is why we are going to use sessions.

But, But, I Want Microservices!

So do I! In this tutorial we are going to build an example with 3 main components:

  • An authentication microservice (Ooth)
  • An API (based on GraphQL, but it could be REST)
  • Next.js

But this doesn’t force you to use JWTs. Here’s how you solve the problem with sessions:

  1. You use a reverse proxy that maps various subroutes of the same domain to the different microservices (e.g. /auth goes to ooth, /api goes to the API, and / goes to the Next.js app), this allows your browser to share the cookies across microservices
  2. You use a shared session storage (in our case we’ll be using redis)

Add to it a database for user and other data storage, and we end up with the following architecture:

All of this we will glue together with docker-compose (you could use kubernetes for a more enterprisey solution).

Note: although in this example I’m going to use sessions, the libraries I’m using support JWTs as well (check out the docs), the setup for next.js is going to be way more complex though if you want a pure JWT based solution with external auth and api microservices.

But let’s get started already!

Project Structure

Our application will have the following folder structure:

├── api
├── next
├── ooth
├── proxy
├── docker-compose.local.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env

Let’s look at the docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'
image: mongo
- ./db:/data/db
image: redis
build: ./next
env_file: ./next/.env
build: ./ooth
env_file: ./ooth/.env
build: ./api
env_file: ./api/.env
build: ./proxy
env_file: ./proxy/.env
- '$PORT:8080'

We have all the services mentioned before. The proxy is the only thing that’s really exposed. To set the $PORT variable you can use the .env file:


When running things locally, we want everything to be easily accessible, so we add some config in a separate docker-compose.local.yml file (note that these settings would be dangerous on production as they would expose all services to the outer world):

version: '3'
network_mode: host
network_mode: host
network_mode: host
network_mode: host
network_mode: host
network_mode: host

We yet have to create everything, but as a foreshadowing, locally you would start all services with

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build

but while developing you want to run the components you are developing on the local host, not in docker, so you’d start only the rest with docker, e.g.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build db redis proxy

On the deployment server you would need to adapt the configurations in all .env files (to point to absolute urls instead of localhost and start everything like:

docker-compose up --build -d
# I like to check logs immediately after deployment
docker-compose logs -f

Now it’s time to look at the simplest component: the reverse proxy.

Reverse Proxy

Let’s look at the files in the proxy folder:

├── Dockerfile
├── index.js
├── .env
├── package.json

Why not nginx? You could easily accomplish this with nginx. The problem with nginx though is that it is unnecessarily hard to inject environment variables to tune its configuration. With express-http-proxy we can create a lightweight reverse proxy based on node.js. Here is the index.js

const httpProxy = require('express-http-proxy');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();

const proxy = (host, root) =>
httpProxy(host, {
proxyReqPathResolver: (req) => `${root}${req.url}`,

app.use('/api', proxy(process.env.API_HOST, '/api'));
app.use('/auth', proxy(process.env.AUTH_HOST, '/auth'));
app.use('/', httpProxy(process.env.APP_HOST));

app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.HOST, () =>
console.log(`Proxy running at ${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}`),

This way you can inject the .env file:


When deployed you would have to adapt the hosts:


Finally, here’s the Dockerfile:

FROM node:10

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

COPY . .

ENTRYPOINT [ "npm", "run"]
CMD [ "start" ]

Note: To avoid noise, ’ll avoid mentioning .dockerignore and package.json files and other small details. Also, tutorials get out of date quickly, so if things have changed, refer to the reference implementation).

Authentication Microservice (Ooth)

Let’s look at the files in the ooth folder:

├── Dockerfile
├── .env
├── index.js
├── package.json

Here is where ooth’s magic starts to happen. We can configure our authentication microservice in just one index.js file. First we create an express.js app (in the snippets below imagine require expressions at the top of the file):

const express = require('express');

const app = express();

Then we initalize the ooth backend (the part that is responsible for storing and retrieving the data from/to a database, in our case MongoDB):

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const { OothMongo } = require('ooth-mongo');

const client = await MongoClient.connect(
const db = client.db(process.env.MONGO_DB);
const oothMongo = new OothMongo(db);

Then we create the core ooth instance:

const session = require('express-session');

const ooth = new Ooth({
path: '/auth',
backend: oothMongo,
session: session({
name: 'app-session-id',
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
store: new RedisStore({
host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,

At this point we need a few additional ooth plugins. ooth-user allows ooth-client to fetch some user data.

const oothUser = require('ooth-user').default;

oothUser({ ooth });

ooth-local implements all the username/email/passwort authentication and account management flows:

const oothLocal = require('ooth-local').default;

oothLocal({ ooth }); // That was quick, wasn't it?

Note: I’ll not go into it here, but if you want to send emails (email verification, password forgotten etc.) you’ll need to add another package called ooth-local-emailer. It requires you to provide a sendMail function. Again, I'd like to refer to the reference implementation.

We also want users to be able to log in with Facebook and Google, this is how we do it:

const oothFacebook = require('ooth-facebook').default;
const oothGoogle = require('ooth-google').default;

clientID: process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET,
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,

Finally we start the server:

app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.HOST, function() {`Ooth online at ${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}/auth`);

Here is the needed .env file:






The Dockerfile is similar to the one in proxy:

FROM node:10

COPY package.json package-lock.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .

ENTRYPOINT [ "npm", "run" ]
CMD [ "start" ]

And voilà, we have an authentication microservice!


Obviously we don’t just want to authenticate towards Next.js, we want to be able to access some data. We need an API. In this example we’ll have a very simple Blog api based on GraphQL. Here’s the folder structure:

├── Dockerfile
├── .env
├── index.js
├── package.json

Here, too, we create an express app and establish a database connection:

const app = express();
const client = await MongoClient.connect(
const db = client.db(process.env.MONGO_DB);

Here, too, we need to set up cookie-based sessions with redis as a session storage:

const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
name: 'app-session-id',
store: new RedisStore({
host: process.env.REDIS_HOST,
port: process.env.REDIS_PORT,
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,

Additionally, we need to manually set up passport.js (which ooth took care for us in the auth microservice):

const passport = require('passport');

passport.serializeUser((userId, done) => done(null, userId));
passport.deserializeUser((userId, done) => done(null, userId));

Now let’s create a little blog GraphQL API, starting with a schema:

const typeDefs = [
type Query {
me: User
post(_id: ID!): Post
posts: [Post]
comment(_id: ID!): Comment
type User {
_id: ID!
type Post {
_id: ID!
authorId: ID!
title: String
content: String

author: User
comments: [Comment]!
type Comment {
_id: ID!
postId: ID!
authorId: ID
content: String

author: User
post: Post
type Mutation {
createPost(title: String, content: String): Post
createComment(postId: ID!, content: String): Comment
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation

then a few resolvers (note how the createPost and createComment resolvers require the user to be logged in!):

const resolvers = {
Query: {
me: async (root, args, { userId }) => {
if (!userId) {
return null;
return {
_id: userId,
post: async (root, { _id }) => prepare(await Posts.findOne(ObjectId(_id))),
posts: async (root, args, context) => (await Posts.find({}).toArray()).map(prepare),
comment: async (root, { _id }) => prepare(await Comments.findOne(ObjectId(_id))),
Post: {
comments: async ({ _id }) => (await Comments.find({ postId: _id }).toArray()).map(prepare),
Comment: {
post: async ({ postId }) => prepare(await Posts.findOne(ObjectId(postId))),
Mutation: {
createPost: async (root, args, { userId }, info) => {
if (!userId) {
throw new Error('User not logged in.');
args.authorId = userId;
const { insertedId } = await Posts.insertOne(args);
return prepare(await Posts.findOne(ObjectId(insertedId)));
createComment: async (root, args, { userId }) => {
if (!userId) {
throw new Error('User not logged in.');
args.authorId = userId;
const { insertedId } = await Comments.insertOne(args);
return prepare(await Comments.findOne(ObjectId(insertedId)));

Note: the prepare function does nothing else than transforming ObjectIDs to strings (you'd create a custom graphql type). This is not a best practice, I just didn't get to update it, but this post is not about GraphQL, so, hey...

Finally, we create the GraphQL server, plug it in to express, and start the server.

const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server-express');

const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => ({
userId: req.user,

path: '/api',

app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {`API online at ${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}`);

Note how we inject the user id from the req (that has been put there by Passport.js into the Apollo context.

That’s it for the API. .env is similar to and Dockerfile is identical the one in ooth ooth.

The Next.js App

Hey, we are done with the back-end, ain’t that a good feeling? Note that everything we talked about until now could easily be the foundation for a different client, e.g. create-react-app or View.js (see other examples in the ooth repo) or a mobile app (except for mobile you’d definitely use JWTs instead of sessions).

But I feel that Next.js is by far the most complicated kind of client, because you are dealing with two components: next.js on the client and next.js on the server. An additional complication is that you need a lot of UI components to model all the complexities of authentication and account management. This is where a few other libraries come into play.

On one hand we have ooth-client, ooth-client-react, ooth-client-react-next, and ooth-client-react-next-apollo which each take care of a portion of client-side identity management.

And then we have staart which is a sister library + boilerplate with simple bootstrap-based UI components, plus some hocs and providers that will help us getting started quickly, especially with Next.js. The whole point of staart is rapid prototyping. You know: quickly have a website that supports user accounts, that looks like a website, with a menu, log in, register, forgot password, account management pages etc, all based on components that are being maintained, but that you can easily switch for your own ones once it's time. The staart boilerplate is exactly the code base we are discussing in this article!

Let’s look at the next folder structure:

├── components
├── pages
├── providers
├── .env
├── Dockerfile
├── index.js
├── next.config.js
├── package.json

We’ll look at what’s in components, pages and providers later. Let's start by looking at index.js:

const next = require('next');
const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

const start = async () => {
try {
const app = express();

const nextApp = next({
dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
const handle = nextApp.getRequestHandler();

await nextApp.prepare();

app.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res));

await app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.HOST);

console.log(`Next online at ${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}`);
} catch (e) {


We will need a few environment variables on the client. We solve that with next.config.js:

const BabiliPlugin = require('babili-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
url: process.env.URL,
facebookClientId: process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID,
googleClientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
webpack(config, { dev }) {
// remove Uglify plugin
config.plugins = config.plugins.filter((plugin) => {
return !== 'UglifyJsPlugin';

if (!dev) {
// add Babili plugin
config.plugins.push(new BabiliPlugin());

return config;

Note: the babily-webpack-plugin is necessary because uglify somehow doesn't play well with my libraries since I moved refactored them to TypeScript. If you have a solution I'd be glad to know.

And here are .env



and Dockerfile:

FROM node:10

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

COPY . .
RUN npm run build

ENTRYPOINT [ "npm", "run"]
CMD [ "start" ]

Next.js Providers and Composing getInitialProps with compose-next

Now let’s look at some Next.js implementation details. With Next.js, routes are mapped to files in the pages folder. For example: /account/login would be mapped to a /pages/account/login.js file. These files need to export a single React.js component, which is the one that is rendered.

Since Next.js renders these components on the server as well, we need a way to load all needed data before the first render. Next.js does this by calling a static getInitialProps function on the exported React.js component.

But what if you have different types of data you want to load, do you have to put it all in the same getInitialProps function? That would be ugly. What you really want is a series of hocs, each of which provide a getInitialProps function, and a way to compose them. This is what compose-next is for.

In the folder providers we have a number of such hocs. The withApollo provider loads all apollo data on start, the withI18n provider injects a translation function __ into the context, the withNext provider injects some next utilities into the context so external libraries can use them, and finally but most importantly, withOoth injects two variables: oothClient and user into the context. All these providers are tied together into the withPage provider:

import provideOothNext from './ooth';
import provideNext from './next';
import provideApolloNext from './apollo';
import provideI18n from './i18n';
import { compose } from 'recompose';

export default compose(

now we just have to wrap any page component with withPage to have them properly initialized:

export default withPage(() => <h1>Hello world</h1>)


Since most components we’ll use come from the staart library, we only need to implement the layout used by our pages (components/layout.js):

import Layout from 'staart/lib/components/layout';
import * as React from 'react';

const menu = [
url: '/',
name: 'home',
label: 'Home',
url: '/about',
name: 'about',
label: 'About',
url: '/blog',
name: 'blog',
label: 'Sample Blog',

const userMenu = [
url: '/dashboard',
name: 'dashboard',
label: 'Dashboard',
url: '/account',
name: 'account',
label: 'Account',
url: '/logout',
name: 'logout',
label: 'Log out',

const siteName = 'Staart';

export default (props) => (
Brought to you with ❤ by <a href="/about">Nick Redmark</a>. Find the code on{' '}
<a href="">Github</a>. Support and discuss the development of this library on{' '}
<a href="" target="_blank">


And finally we get to see pages of our application (in the pages folder):

├── about.js
├── account.js
├── blog.js
├── dashboard.js
├── forgot-password.js
├── index.js
├── login.js
├── logout.js
├── register.js
├── reset-password.js
└── verify-email.js

Let’s look at a couple of them (remember, here’s the reference implementation).

This is how an index.js file could look like:

import Layout from '../components/layout'
import withPage from '../providers/page'

export default withPage(() => {
return <Layout title="Get staarted!" page="home">
<div className="container">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
<div className="jumbotron">
<h1>Get staarted!</h1>
<p>Get started ultrarapidly with a node.js web application with user accounts.</p>
<p><a className="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="/about" role="button">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

Here’s the register.js page:

import Layout from '../components/layout';
import withPage from '../providers/page';
import Register from 'staart/lib/components/register';
import getConfig from 'next/config';

const {
publicRuntimeConfig: { facebookClientId, googleClientId },
} = getConfig();

export default withPage(({ url: { query: { next } } }) => {
return (
<Layout title="Register" page="register">
<Register next={next} facebookClientId={facebookClientId} googleClientId={googleClientId} />

Which would look like this:

Hey, we got here, finally

Once the user is logged in they have access to their account on the account.js page:

import Layout from '../components/layout';
import withPage from '../providers/page';
import Account from 'staart/lib/components/account';
import getConfig from 'next/config';

const {
publicRuntimeConfig: { facebookClientId, googleClientId },
} = getConfig();

export default withPage(() => (
<Layout title="Account" page="account">
<div className="container">
<Account facebookClientId={facebookClientId} googleClientId={googleClientId} />

which looks like this:

Okay, the magic here was taken care of by staart. Here's an example CreateCommentQuery component from the blog.js page where you use the user object and access the API we set up before:

const CreateCommentQuery = gql`
mutation($postId: ID!, $content: String!) {
createComment(postId: $postId, content: $content) {
class CreateCommentComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const { user, mutate, onCreateComment, postId } = this.props;
if (!user) {
return (
<a href={`/login?next=/blog`}>log in to comment</a>.
return (
onSubmit={(e) => {
variables: {
content: this.content.value,
.then(({ data }) => {
if (onCreateComment) {
.catch((e) => {
<div className="form-group">
ref={(ref) => {
this.content = ref;
const CreateComment = compose(

The Blog page would look like this:

But why don’t you go to the actual live example, register and leave a comment?

There You Have It!

This blog post is the result of months of work, I hope this has been useful. I’m happy to help you, discuss details, fix bugs and add features. Keep in mind that this is the work of a single person in their spare time. Consider buying me coffee, I’d appreciate it.

Useful links:

I’m Nick Redmark. I work as a Web Engineer and as a Professional Coach.

