Article Management | The Identity Current

The Identity Current — Submission Guidelines

Got an identity? Tell the world in The Identity Current Publication.

Identity Current


Welcome to the Submission Guidelines for The Identity Current! These guidelines are current as of January, 2023. Any updates will be noted at the bottom of this article.

Left-handed person writing with a pencil
Writing with a pencil while left-handed is dangerous — image via

What does The Identity Current publish?

The Identity Current has a focused purpose: to consider and explore human identity — the characteristics that make each of us uniquely “us.” And because each of us lives in a society, those characteristics express our identity to those around us, especially as gender presentation. But gender is not all The Identity Current represents.

The Identity Current publishes articles that explore the following topics:

  • What is the nature of identity?
  • What is the origin of identity?
  • How is identity related to biology, psychology, and sociology?
  • How is gender related to identity and its expression within society?
  • How does my identity impact my day-to-day life?
  • How has identity impacted the lives of people I know?

If you ask yourself these questions — and subsequently answer yourself — we invite you to submit your article for publication!

Many writers for The Identity Current are transgender and write from that perspective, but it is not a requirement to publish with us. If the science and philosophy of identity interests you, especially as it intersects with physical presentation, you are perfect for the Publication!

The best articles are personal stories about exploring and defining your identity, your gender, and your gender identity. Despite your story being different from every other, learning about the fears and foibles of your exploration may provide inspiration for others who need that last push to explore and define their own identity.

We welcome new and upcoming writers! One great way to increase your exposure is to publish with a group. If you say interesting things, we want to hear them!

How do I get added to The Identity Current?

In order to submit an article to The Identity Current, you must be added to the Publication. Fortunately, this is a low barrier to jump. Simply email Amethysta at and ask to be added.

We recommend including a link to an article to serve as an example of your writing. Even better is the completed article you would like to submit. An Editor will do their best to get you added as quickly as possible, but it may take as long as 24 hours to respond. Be patient and hang in there.

Article formatting guidelines

Before submitting your article, please check that it conforms to the following formatting guidelines:

  1. Write the title in title case.
  2. Write the subtitle and section titles in sentence case.
  3. Include at least one relevant image in your article to serve as the Featured image.
  4. Add the Featured image below both title and subtitle. They do not need to be above all text, but consider if that could work for the structure of your article.
  5. Caption all images and credit their sources completely.
  6. Make liberal use of sections and white space to make your work easier to read on mobile devices.
  7. Add four tags to allow readers to find your work. The fifth tag will be added by an Editor. Typical tags might be: Gender, Identity, Transgender, LGBTQ, Psychology, Philosophy, etc.
  8. Finally, please turn on your Private Message settings to allow us to communicate with you!

Editors of The Identity Current will read every word of your article. We may make light edits for formatting or grammar. In that case, you will be notified and have the opportunity to revert the changes if they affect the content of your article.

NOTE: The Identity Current reserves the right to reject your article for failing to conform to formatting guidelines and topics. We will notify you first and — if possible — work with you to update your article. See below for more information.

When your article is ready for publication, we will notify you and schedule your article to publish four hours from the notification. This should give you sufficient time to check the article for content before publication!

Will an Editor help me write a great article?

The short answer is yes, we want to help. While we cannot spend hours on the phone with you polishing your message, if your article is important, we want it to be published.

Please understand that if your article needs polish, it will slow its publication. But every article will be read for content.

Document history

2023/01/17: Initial publication
2024/01/07: Expanded content
2024/03/16: Changed Publication owner



Identity Current

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