Why Are You? — Episode 15 with Nanie

Another dang episode of the podcast that is willing to ask you why you made the choices you did

Identity Current
Jul 14, 2023


Today I am elated to announce my interview with Nanie Hurley 🌿! I’ve known Nanie only a short time, but she has quickly emerged as a powerful foil for my thought.

In our episode, Nanie and I speak about very important topics, such as watermelon, wearing makeup to the bakery, and the importance of being able to hear nothing.

If you would like to be on the “Why Are You?” interview podcast, or you know somebody who should be on the podcast, check out the description and how to contact me at the link below:



Identity Current

I no longer publish on Medium - please go to https://amethysta.io to follow me on social media. Then go to https://genderidentitytoday.com to read my work!