Venture Design That Blew Our Minds

King Ship Pod No. 9 is all about inspiration

IDEO CoLab Ventures
The IDEO Futures Podcast
2 min readJan 22, 2015


Happy New Year from all of us at IDEO Futures!

(can we still say that?!)

After a brief hiatus, we’re back in a full flow of podding, and the result is above in the form of King Ship Pod No. 9. It’s not a revolution, but with No. 9 we’re experimenting with our format a bit, and we hope you enjoy the results!

This episode focuses exclusively on our weekly feature, Venture Design that Blew Our Minds. Using a pseudo-Pecha Kucha format, we trade mind-blowing venture design stories every two minutes, with two minutes of discussion after each round. We’re each hearing the stories for the first time, and the only agreements we had up front were that A) they had to relate in some way shape or form to venture design and design and entrepreneurship, and B) we had to endeavor to raise the mind-blowing stakes with each successive round.

Seeking an unfair advantage in this competition of mind blowing, Joe brought in a ringer for Round 3 of 3, and as you’ll hear, we had a lot of fun along the way discussing this diverse (or bizarre?) range of topics:

And much, much more.

Hope you find Pod No. 9 as satisfying as a warm, deep cuddle. It’s fun for your entire CANBUS!

PS: please tweet us your venture design questions for Pod No. 10!

PPS: Guacamolito sauce!



IDEO CoLab Ventures
The IDEO Futures Podcast

Where venture meets design. We invest in big ideas and good humans.