Pass the Cheese

The Igloo
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2014

How to name your brand by focusing on the slogan (and how we did it with Hudyl)


Coming up with a name for an app is an interesting process. There are countless people out there writing about how to find your brand (flipping though a dictionary, post-its of nouns & verbs, celebrity baby names…) — but we would argue that the best way possible is to step back and focus on your slogan. Not just any slogan though, the cheesiest slogan you can imagine.

At Hudyl, we’ve found two ways to do this (although I’m sure you can think of more).

  1. Think of the slogan that would come right after your 1950's TV Jingle
  2. Come up with a motto that would be written in Latin on your brand’s crest

This strategy helps you focus on the most important part of your product — The Why. Once you step back and focus on what you’re really trying to accomplish then it becomes 10x easier to fit the right name to it.

So now our story.

At Hudyl our goal was simple: “Bringing people together.”

That was it. To try and make the world a little more social, a little closer, and a little bit warmer. With that set, we tried to think about all the ways people get together — both conceptually and literally.

We came up with countless names for our app (they were bad, trust us) before taking the most literal route possible. After much thought we came to picture a football huddle: the team all brought together to make a plan amongst themselves. Instantly it just made sense.

After settling on a name we went through the usual processs of making sure a domain is available (Damn), checking the term on urban dictionary (not bad), and scrolling through google (Don’t want this to happen to you). With all that done we finally arrived on “Hudyl”.

Some people may hate the name, some might think its a bit quirky, but we can’t think of a better name that encapsulates our goal and our personality — and that’s all because we started by thinking of our mission and focusing on our slogan.

If this post helped you name your business, your blog, your car, or your first-born, drop us a line — we’d love to hear about it.

If you think it could help you one day in the future, bookmark it.

And if you really wanted to help us out (we’re not ashamed to admit we need it), you could reccomend this article on Medium or post it anywhere else that tickles your fancy.

❤ the Hudyl team.



The Igloo

We’re building an app to make plan-making easier for the mobile generation. Request a beta invite at