A Correspondence with Yours Truly

Sid B
The IIITM Narrative
3 min readSep 12, 2021

“This is not the script of a Resident Evil video game, but the unfortunate reality that will eventually reveal itself.”

March 8, 2021

As much as I hate to write to you, Hello Mr. Self,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health before authorities try to regulate and shut down communication yet again to cover up their deeds. As you are in early March 2020, I know you are studying hard and smart. I’m sure you haven’t made any New Year resolutions because if you did make any, then I am here to give you a reality check.

The year 2020 will be the worst year for most people around the world, unless they’re either introverts or rich enough to manipulate the system. Surprised? You better be, with what the year 2020 has in store for humanity. This year, along with others, you will face many unprecedented situations. This year will be like opening a Pandora’s box that keeps getting worse every day. You might be wondering whether a war is about to start because a particular leader successfully assassinated another leader in January, but that’s not the case as the worst is yet to come.

Due to the evil deeds of certain diplomats or Mr. Gates as some so-called experts believe, a supposedly deadly virus will take over the world that will force us to remain quarantined in our homes for months or probably for even a year, who knows? Consider it to be a house arrest on steroids that would be everything but ordinary because of the worldwide closure and cancellation of possibly every event plus exams. Don’t put your face mask down, not because of Delhi’s ever-rising pollution but to protect yourself and others from the virus.

Don’t worry because our government will do what it has always done in dire situations, that is precisely nothing but making misleading promises and giving false hopes, whether that be unemployment, starvation, GDP growth rate or, in this case, a worldwide pandemic affecting the health of the masses. But what else could we expect? The world and our perception of life will change forever for better or for worse for our planet and humanity per se. This is not the script of a Resident Evil video game, but the unfortunate reality that will eventually reveal itself.

Now, let me remind you that resilient and successful people make the best out of even the most abject circumstances like a pandemic. Just believe in your karma and keep doing what you are supposed to do now. Focus on studying till your exams have concluded, believe me, the best will unfold if you never let negativity creep into your mind and stay focused on the task at hand.

Consider this letter to be an early warning of what’s about to unravel in the future. If you are confused and anxious after reading all this, I would advise you to calm your nerves down, live in the moment and disregard the rest.

Wishing you a survivable day,

