An IKIGAI, life purpose found in pioneering streams of wellness

Vasudha Jha
The IKIGAI Warrior
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2020

It was a difficult choice to leave behind something known and an established practise, but only when we step out of our comfort zone that we can allow magic to happen. I felt the world opening up to me as I discovered my IKIGAI! My patients fondly call me ‘diabetes destroyer’!!

As India’s first female laparoscopic surgeon, I have always been a person who had a natural curiosity towards innovative medical streams that create long-term wellness. I had been a practising Obstetrician and Gynaecologist since 1983 and an endoscopic surgeon since 1992. I started when there were only a handful of doctors practising Endoscopy, going on to co-author a textbook on the subject, Endoscopic Gynaecologic Surgery, published in Germany. Helping women become mothers after challenging obstacles had been the focus of my life till I discovered Integrative or Functional Medicine. I was amazed and impressed by the whole process through which this helped people become free from chronic diseases.

I can say that stepping into the world of Integrative Medicine really changed my outlook towards healing, and at the peak of my career I decided to quit surgery and dive deep into this stream of medicine. It was a difficult choice to leave behind something known and an established practise, but only when we step out of our comfort zone that we can allow magic to happen. I felt the world opening up to me as I discovered my IKIGAI! Learning and practising Integrative medicine fulfilled all the four criteria of doing what I loved (healing people); that what I was good at (medicine); that which the world needs (less chemicals, more nature) and that which I could get paid for! It was hard work, but as it was, for me, serendipity in all aspects, it never felt like work.

Integrative Medicine was a totally new concept, and many well-wishers discouraged me to leave a well-established practise and start something new. However, in my heart I knew that this where I could contribute towards the betterment of mankind. I made it my mission to “make people disease free and healthy again” by taking into account the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. Informed by evidence, it emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, making use of all appropriate therapies.

Integrative medicine ensures that Patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process. All factors that influence health, wellness, and disease are taken into consideration, including mind, spirit, and community, as well as the body. Appropriate use of both conventional and alternative methods facilitates the body’s innate healing response. Effective interventions that are natural and less invasive should be used whenever possible. The best and most interesting part of Integrative medicine is that it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically.

My new journey began seven years ago. I held steady in my belief that people would understand and seek me out for the innovative healing process. While I was not sure how I would spread awareness and reach out to patients; I began with myself, my family and friends, and the response was so encouraging that it kept me moving forward. At a time when we all thought that diabetes cannot be cured, I resolved that I will work towards making people free from diabetes through this holistic approach. Not only did I achieve success in that, I worked with people to help them reverse conditions such as high blood pressure; fight obesity and many gynaecological issues.

My patients are thrilled to not only be able to get off medication, but they also enjoy positive side effects like increased energy, better sleep, losing excess weight, and no insulin resistance. Today, I feel deeply fulfilled to have found my life’s purpose, my Ikigai. Every time I see my patients restored to vibrant health; I feel deeply gratified for making this choice.

My patients fondly call me ‘diabetes destroyer’!!



Vasudha Jha
The IKIGAI Warrior

Public Affairs & Policy, Corporate Communications, Life Coach, Student at Policy hotshop Takshashila Institution. Committed to being the change I want to see.