Do We Really Need Our Bras?

Jennifer R. Povey
The Illusion of Choice
4 min readJan 27, 2020


Photo by Fahad Waseem on Unsplash

They’re uncomfortable. They’re expensive. They can’t be tumble dried. But most women are unwilling to go bra-less, especially in public. For many of us it’s just habit. Heck, I’m wearing a bra right now for, really, no good reason other than because it’s what you do. It’s not underwire (a constant battle…) but it’s a bra.

Photo by Ivana Batalović on Unsplash

Why do we Wear Bras?

It boils down to one word: Culture. The modern bra wasn’t even invented until 1869. Before then, women wore corsets, breast bands or, ya know, nothing at all. Even those early bras were part of a split corset, and we didn’t really see bras as we call them now until 1910.

So, we’ve been wearing bras, in their current form, for a bit over 100 years. That’s not really all that long.

We’re told that bras will improve the shape and size of our breast, reduce back pain, make our girls jiggle less…

Here’s a thing. I have a Ren Faire style bodice that I wear without a bra. My girls jiggle way less in a bodice and chemise than in a bra…

Truth is that not wearing a bra won’t make your breasts all saggy. The bra changes the shape of your breasts only while you…



Jennifer R. Povey
The Illusion of Choice

I write about fantasy, science fiction and horror, LGBT issues, travel, and social issues.