The IM System Review - Get it Now With +25,000$ Bonus

John Adam
The IM System Review Bonus
28 min readOct 29, 2014

Can The IM System REALLY “Hold Your Hand” and Help You Quickly Build an Automated Business That You Can Scale Up to 6-Figures & Beyond (With Minimal Budget)?

Is the IM System Truly a Fast Income Growth System (for Newbie to Advanced)?

(read on for my exclusive review & bonus tactics)

The real reason people fall flat and fail in internet marketing is because they chase quick money based on ‘arbitrage hacks’… Arbitrage hacks are middlemen approaches that try to exploit a loophole. For example, many years ago people were buying cheap Adwords traffic and sending to pages that displayed Adsense (buying cheap Google traffic and monetizing it with Google’s revenue-sharing program)…. Made good money for a while, until Google laid the hammer down and that model became obsolete. People who focused on this model were left with no real business, nothing to fall back on. The IM System promises to ‘cure’ this problem of short-term, unreliable internet income once and for all…and guide all aspiring internet marketers to build a reliable, long-lasting business. So lets take a quick tour of the IM System to see how it works and if can actually deliver on its promise of building an ever-growing income stream that requires very little management:

Here’s What You Get

Alright so after you signup for the program, you’ll login in to your Member’s Area and here’s what you’ll see (yeah, this is my own screenshot. I’m using this program myself)

I don’t want bore you with details that you already know about this product, so let me just quickly recap all the ‘stuff’ you’re getting: *1-on-1 Support from Ken (without the $5,000 price tag…a personal Coach to guide you along the proven path) * Over 100+ Training Videos (most are short, easy-to-digest and straight to the point) *Action Modules & Worksheets (after every few videos you’ll be asked to ‘take action’ and make real progress with small steps) *Weekly Homework (this is documented homework that you MUST do to stay on track and get results. Think of it like being in business school…except your homework now makes you real money) *Forum, Groups & Mastermind (there’s a lively forum where you can ask questions, groups that you can join and Skype masterminds to share explosive ideas) *Toolbox & Resources (I’ll cover this in more detail later, but basically every ‘product’ or resource you need to effectively run your business is mentioned here.) *Millionaire Mindset Exercises (knowing how to be a great entrepreneur and understanding the mindset needed to become an internet millionaire is just as important as any specific business models you’ll learn) And if you’re wondering if this system is ‘newbie’ friendly, let me show you a screenshot of just the Resources area of this system (all the 101 stuff for beginners)

(keep in mind the above screenshot is not the main part of the system, its just the ‘Resources’ section) Ok so you obviously want to know the ‘meat’ of the system, the juicy stuff that you’ll be learning.

>> You Can Watch Video In Below Then Know More Information About The The IM System

<< Here’s a higher level overview of the actual system and process that you’ll be following to grow your income:

Step 1: Stake Your Own Digital Real Estate

The first part of the system is about getting your own site or web presence, even if its as simple as a single squeezepage. This also includes Facebook page and social profiles… You’ll be start off super simple here, nothing fancy, and then build up your web presence over time. The goal is to get things up and running quickly. Everything is covered in super fine detail, or ‘over-the-shoulder’ as they say. Follow along with the videos and exercises to set things up without any technical challenge at all. This helps build the credibility and authority you need to kickstart your digital business. But wait…what Niche do you target and what products to sell? This is covered in great depth and you’ll have clear exercises to follow to make sure that you’re selling the right stuff to the right people… Here’s a sample of the beginning exercises that you’ll be doing to set a strong foundation:

Step 2: Get Hot Buyer Leads

Alright so this what literally drives the entire system… You’ll learn about a dozen traffic sources and how to exploit them effectively…meaning that you’ll know how to actually get real traffic from these sources reliably. And then funnel that traffic into Leads, which will become your audience. For example, it can be as simple as running an $8 banner Ad and running that traffic into a squeezepage you setup to collect leads. You’ll learn the fine details and how to not only get the traffic, but also convert it at a high level. Kenster will show you how to make this lead generation process semi-automated, so it continues to produce results without you needing to actively work on it. There are also some simple ‘math’ calcuations you’ll be doing to make sure you know how much you’ll be profiting off the traffic you’re getting.

Step 3: The Heart of the Matter

Your leads become your audience, and you’ll discover how to connect emotionally with your audience at a human level. This is really the ‘heart’ of the IM System… There are clear processes that you’ll be following to build, manage and MONETIZE your audience…such as some killer email sequences that are proven get income-generating results. The coolest thing I learned was how to postion yourself as an Authority & Expert in your niche, even if you don’t know that much and you have no reputation. Kenster shares 8 sure-fire ways to instantly become a credible authority in your niche. Nurturing your audience and setting them up to like you and trust you will probably be the single most important step you take towards building a business that pays you handsomely for years to come.

Step 4: Launch Takeoff

What I really like about Ken is how he continuously talks about using ‘leverage’ to get massive results with less effort…and in less time. One of these leverage points is doing a launch of your own in a highly strategic way. This can be a simple report or even an audio interview that you do with someone else…doesn’t have to be a big & complicated at all. The cool thing is, with the IM System, the ‘Launch’ is only the beginning of your profits, and it helps you dominate your marketplace in the absolute shortest time possible. Ken stresses that the Launch is not about the money, its more about getting yourself strongly established in your niche (even though the money will still be good because of the advanced launch techniques you’ll be learning). In the beginning, the ‘launches’ you’ll do will be very simple & basic, yet still lucrative. The goal is to be able to set things up in a weekend and with minimal hassle.

Step 5: Profit Multiplying Backend

The #1 factor separating the ‘lifestyle kings’ from the ‘slaves’ is an automated backend that continues to pump out Sales even when you’re not there… In other words, having a backend funnel through which products/services are being marketed to your audience. There are many approaches to setting up a backend, but you’ll be learning a very specific, systematic way to set it up that involves minimal guesswork with maximum results. These backend strategies are proven to work across a wide variety of niches, used by the top marketers. You’ll be able to ‘plug’n’play’ and basically swipe this backend for yourself. The goal is to increase the lifetime value of each subscriber/customer you have many times over. This is the real key to an ever-growing, long-lasting internet business that brings in a 6 figure income. Ok, so now that you’ve seen how this system works, the real question is, what are the biggest benefits of following it? The BIGGEST benefit of The IM System, by far, is that it allows you to build a ‘semi automated’ business that can be quickly scaled to ANY income level you desire… And another huge benefit is having clear worksheets and homework that keep you taking consistent action week after week (which helps generate consistent results) Of course, having 1-on-1 support and Mastermind connections is also great for keeping you on track and avoiding mistakes.

Drawbacks of The IM System (What I Don’t Like)

This entire system is showing you a very specific, narrow-focused way of making money, so it isn’t general or broad in any sense. This is a good thing for taking action, but its not-so-good if you want to skip around and apply things differently… Basically, you won’t be able to skip around the modules. The steps and action plans are highly specific so it’ll be very confusing to jump around. Also, the content is dripfed over 6 weeks so have no choice but to consume it on a weekly basis (Ken claims that this helps you stay fully on track, which is probably true for most people). Personally, I would have liked to see PDF transcripts of each and every video, which isn’t provided. There are PDF Action Plans and Exercises that summarize the various videos, but transcripts would’ve been really nice to have. Part of this system revolves around creating your own digital product, which is great for long-term leverage and positioning, but what if you would rather be an affiliate? Yes, you can use most of this training to help you become a super-affiliate, but you’ll need to tweak a couple of small things. Lastly, since this course is highly comprehensive from selecting a niche to setting up full marketing funnels, it doesn’t quite cover traffic generation in great detail. Yes, you’ll know exactly how to drive targeted traffic, but if you really wanted to drill-down and specialize on 1–2 traffic sources, there won’t be enough detail to help you completely master it. So, to help solve some of these problems and add value, I’ve personally created an exclusive bonus called the ‘Fast IM System Cash’ Academy, in which I’ll show you how to choose cashcow niches and offers that bring in fast affiliate cash, and I’ll also show you advanced traffic generation strategies to really ramp up the volume.

My Exclusive The IM SYSTEM Bonus Will Help You Make More Money With This Program and Accelerate The Process

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Pinterest Success Guide

Don’t miss out on the biggest social community to ever hit the Internet! This free report will show you exactly how to maximize exposure with Pinterest!

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Learn some helpful tips on how to represent your company on Pinterest.

Pinterest Expert – eBook and Video series

What Everyone Should Know About Generating Tons Of Profits Via The Latest social media craze.

Bonus 1 – Authority Blog Success

Authority Blog Success offers professional strategies, tactics and tips about blogging that is unlike any other blogging book out there. And it cannot be found in either offline or online book stores.

Bonus 2– Business Coaching Training

The concept of business coaching has actually come from the sports arena where top athletes employ coaches to help improve and enhance their performance. Business people are slowly realizing that the same benefits can be enjoyed in the business arena using business coaches.

Bonus 3– Blog Profits

“Discover The Steps To Blogging From Start Up To Making Money With your Blog, Starting Today!…” In This Guide You’ll Find Out The Secrets To Making Money Online By Harnessing The Power of Blogging.

Bonus 4 – Build Your Network

Discover 70 Proven Ways To Generate More Leads To Your Network To You Can Generate More Sales To Your Offers. Build A Bigger Network, Make More Sales, Convert More Prospects To Paying Customers. As Your Leads Grow, So Does Your Business…

Bonus 5 – Cracking The CPA Code

“Discover How To Tap Into To A CPA World, Obtain Highly Targeted Traffic Sources And Rake In Tons Of Cold Hard Profits Easily!”

Bonus 6 – Email Marketing Pro

Discover New Email Marketing Methods And Uncover How to Make An Absolute Killing With Email Marketing TODAY! I suggest you refrain from sending another email… even just one, until you dig deep into this valuable information… because it will make or break you!

Bonus 7– Essential Guide To Affiliate Profits

So, how do you become a successful affiliate marketer? From Choosing The Right Products Through To Tactics For Boosting Your Affiliate Sales… This Is The Essential Guide To Affiliate Profits.

Bonus 8 – Essential Guide To Blog Flipping

From coming up with an idea through to installing WordPress, choosing a theme, selling your blog and then transferring it over to the new owner, this is the essential guide to blog flipping.

Bonus 9 – Facebook Ads Mastered

Having a Facebook ad campaign that is effective involves more than just popping your ad on Facebook. Sure, occasionally you might get lucky and enjoy success from this type of Facebook ad campaign, but you can ensure regular success by creating ads that are effective.

Bonus 10 – Facebook Strategies Profits

Successful Network Marketing Strategy in Today’s Marketplace Requires an Online Presence With a Business Facebook Page in Order to Effectively Expand Your Customer Base and Increase Profitability.

Bonus 11 – List Building Success

Build a responsive list! Write emails that convert! Establish credibility and trust! Discover how to successfully build a responsive list, write emails that convert and establish credibility & trust with your subscribers.

Bonus 12 – Essential Guide To Free Traffic

Need traffic but don’t have any money to invest? Every Website Needs a Regular Flow of Traffic So Learn How To Generate It For Free!

Bonus 13 – FB Cash Formula

You’re about to discover how you can tap into 1.5 billion users and start generating $300+ per day thanks to Facebook! It’s time to take control of your financial destiny and start making REAL money online with an effective, profit-pulling FB system!

Bonus 14 – Sales Funnel Strategies

Discover how to use video marketing in your business to attract more prospects & sales. Whatever your market is, video gives you more opportunities to expand your brand by gaining it visibility and establishing credibility within your niche.

Bonus 15 – More Subscribers

Discover 100 Valuable Tips To Generating More Subscribers To Your Email List Starting Today! Build Your Audience And You’ll Make More Money. Find Out Some Easy and Unique Ways Of Building Your List!

Bonus 16 – List Magic

Discover The Exact Formula For Adding 1,000 Brand New Subscribers To Your List In The Next 30 Days.

Bonus 17 – Facebook Traffic Revised

Finally, Discover Newly Revised Strategies for Driving Traffic with Facebook Ads And Increasing Your Conversions At The Same Time…Starting Today! (Updated 2014 Version) This is a step by step video course that takes you by the hand to show you how to choose the right ad type and explode your conversions with Facebook the right way!

Bonus 18 – Video List Builder

Discover how to build huge lists with ad swaps and solo ad!

Bonus 19 – Traffic Bombshell 2.0

Discover My Exact Confidential Formula For Building Lifetime Traffic!

Bonus 20 – Continuity Income Videos

Here’s a quick and easy way to create thank you pages for your downloadable products – and substantially boost your profits by upselling after the sale!

Social Hub Builder

(1 month license)

The Social Hub Builder will create accounts On over 100 social media sites including the majority of sites that SociVidz works with. With this bonus you will save time when wanting to setup the Social accounts that SociVidz posts to.

Viral Image Wizard (GOLD)

(Lifetime license)

With the viral image wizard you can create Stunning images and post them to social media Sites. It’s great for creating intro and outro images for your videos that you will create inside of SociVidz.

It will allow you to create animated GIF’s, various types of banners and allows you to import videos to extract images from them. The Viral Image Wizard (Gold) + SociVidz are the perfect companion.

HQ Suggest

(Lifetime license)

HQSuggest is a keyword research tool that works with 9 major search engines. You can use HQSuggest to find solid “How To” Keywords that can be used inside of SociVidz to Target videos for.

How To Videos are great to target and HQSuggest will find the best ones for you.

Video Assassin 2.0 ($197 Value)

One of Sean’s most popular courses shows how he started making 6-Figures by unleashing the power of Video Marketing. This best-selling course reveals all the insider tactics he used to start with ZERO income to 6 Figures in under 6 months with tactics that work as well today as they did when he started. Timeless strategies you can use now!

Killer Headlines Collection ($97 Value)

Copywriters cost $1000s…So, wouldn’t it be cool if you could have some of their best headlines at your finger tips to make everything you do convert like crazy and keep your viewers hooked? Well, now you can with over 300 of the best “Fill in the Blanks” headlines ever…

Conversion Ninja ($47 Value)

No matter what kind of business you’re in, conversions are king. The bottom line of any business is making money, and the root of that money is how well your product or service converts. Learn some simple, yet astoundingly powerful ways to improve your conversions, no matter what type of marketing you’re doing. You’ll learn to improve sales pages, emails, blog posts, videos… just about anything you can think of!

Landing Page Shark ($47 Value)

Quality, effective landing pages are a crucial element of any successful online business. No matter what type of web property you have, your landing page needs to be properly optimized for maximum conversions. Learn about different types of landing pages, how to use them, and how to create stunning landing pages without a lot of technical or design experience.

Copy Samurai ($47 Value)

Copywriting is an essential skill that is easy to learn, but hard to master. If you want to make money online, you absolutely have to master the art of copywriting. Learn what it takes to write highly effective sales letters. You can use and build on these tips as you learn, and eventually you’ll be writing the kind of professional copy that makes people millions!

Scarcity Accelerator ($47 Value)

Scarcity is one of the most powerful controlling forces in marketing and genuine scarcity is the most powerful of all. In this amazing guide we show you how to create powerful scarcity factors in all your marketing efforts. Skyrocket your profits, maximize your conversions and take your marketing to the next level with these easy to apply strategies…

Affiliate Evolution ($47 Value)

It’s time to evolve. Affiliate marketing is a very powerful way to create passive streams of income. However, many of the old ways just don’t work anymore. In this guide, we show you how to capture new leads, accelerate your profits and use cutting edge tactics that Sean uses in his business to create multiple 6-figure incomes…

Bonus #1 — Wp Sales Bar Plugin — this wordpress plugin creates incredible “call to action” notification bars to grag your visitors attention and increase ctr and conversions.

Bonus #2 — Auto Video Creatore — create your own professional quality videos in a snap.You do`nt even have to be on camera or even speak…the software does it all.

Bonus #3 — Marketing Minisite Template — awesome website template that will fit any of your marketing needs.

Bonus #4 — Fiverr Revolution — one of the easiest ways to make money with Easy Header Wizard is on sites like Fiverr and this guide

1. Offline Marketing Madness

A smart business person takes advantage of all that offline marketing has to offer. As more and more businesses direct their marketing efforts into Internet channels, they often neglect more traditional and proven marketing venues.

With more of your competition’s marketing focus directed online, this allows you to benefit from their mistake and sweep up some of their market share.

2. Offline Business Traffic Strategies

Learn the top traffic secrets for your offline business!

Just because you run an offline, business doesn’t mean you don’t want to have a solid online presence. This book will show you how to make your dream come true and make your offline business boom!

3. 123 Logo Kit

123 Logo Kit will solve all those problems that every internet marketer and business owners are facing right now.

Get instant access to 38 eye-popping, ready-made logos you can use for your next product or business! Simply choose a logo, customize and you’re done!

4. SalesLetter Titans

Grab the most unique 100 sales letters targeting 100 of the most lucrative niches in the world!

This package is so massive that we’ve broken them down into 10 components! Here’s the overview:

100 Sales Letters, 100 Squeeze Pages, 50 Promo Emails, Set of JV Letters, High Converting Sales Letter Graphics, Mastery Of Words Copywriting Education, Guarantee Pages, Order Pages, Testimonial Pages, Niche List

5. Super Graphics Pack

Download these 1,926 HD marketing graphics and give your marketing effort a big boost shooting your conversions to the roof.

These pack includes Arrows, Backgrounds, Banners and Placeholders, Bullets and Markers, Buttons, Devices, Graphs, Handrawn Lines, Icons, Line Dividers, Memes, Payment Icons, Ribbons, Social Media Icons, Stamps and Tags, World Map, and Others

6. List Magic

Discover the exact formula for adding 1,000 brand new subscribers to your list in the next 30 days! If you want to build a new set of responsive email subscriber, then the video series inside will give you the whole details which will really help your business grow.

This package includes Audios, Guide, Mindmap, Videos and Graphics

7. WP Advert Plugin

This WordPress plugin offers 30 promotional toolbars packed into 1 simple user interface! Add an Eye Catching Bar to catch the attention of your visitors in your WordPress site using this Plugin.

You can display the Notification Message on this Bar for Members/Guests, Display in Home Page/All, etc

8. WP Profiteer

WP Profiteer is a handy WordPress plugin that captures lost profits on your blogs. It does this by redirecting the 404 Error Pages that your visitors encounter, to any URL you select, instantly. Your visitors will never even see the error page!

9. WP Sales Bar Plugin

This WordPress plugin gives you an eyeball-grabbing notification toolbar that will boost your conversions!

Use this to promote affiliate offers, your own products or just direct traffic to squeeze pages and other landing pages of choice.

10. Exit Profiter Software

Exit Profiter — Get your exit pop on any web page that you share! And make money from any and every link you create. Imagine being able to drop your exit popper onto any web page, piggy-backing off their authority

And leading the visitor to your squeeze page, product sales page, affiliate link, CPA offer, TeeSpring store, Cafe Press store, Lulu store, or in fact any web page you like!

11. FB Ad Secrets

Grab this done for you Sales Funnel featuring Facebook Ad Secrets! A completely done for you sales kit in the red hot Facebook niche!

You are in store for learning all about how to make Facebook a money-making machine for whatever types of products you are selling. This report is going to give you the top converting secrets.

12. Cash from Google Helpouts

Uncover the secrets to making real cash from home by helping people out using Google’s amazing new program Google Helpouts!

Find out the insider secrets to creating powerfully compelling Helpouts that will pull cash in over and over again!

13. Local Marketing Secrets

This 17-part video course will show you the simplest and fastest way to dive headfirst into local marketing to local businesses.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never built a website or landed a paying client in your life! The electricians, tree services, sub-contractors, and the like that I know personally don’t know a lick about computers or the internet in general. If you can build a drop-dead simple website, then you can get paid for it over and over again like clockwork.

14. Facebook Timeline Cover

Stand from the Crowd on Facebook Using this Cool and Eye-Grabbing Timeline Cover!

Inside this package, you will immediately receive 15 timeline cover image and its screenshots on how it actually looks like in your facebook page.

Instant Syndication Sniper

Instant Syndication Sniper lets you automatically post all your content to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Delicious, FriendFeed, BufferApp.

The whole thing is automated so it can help you bring those expired domain’s back to life with the minimum of effort. Buy the domain and set it running.

You can instantly breathe new life into those expired and dropped domains with just a few pieces of content that can be syndicated automatically across multiple social accounts.

Instant Domain Optimizer

Instant Domain Optimizer with this plugin you can easily optimize your posts and pages in wordpress for search engines.

It checks everything is correct with your SEO criteria to give you a head start with your expired domains that you have just purchased.

This plugin help’s you get your new domain off in the right direction (up the rankings) with it’s full onsite check.

Instant Domain Profits

Instant Domain Profits covers everything you need to know about dropping and expiring domains. What to look out for and how to find gold nuggets in the thousands that drop each month.

What to stay away from not all dropped and expired domains are created equal make sure you get the ones that will benefit you most.

Full 30+ page report giving you the full insider secrets on what makes drop and expiring domain buying so successful.

Bonus #1 – Twitter Made Easy

The World’s SMS Weapon Of The Internet Is More Than Ready To Scale Up Your Business Online Forever

Incl. OTO So Download Contains Ebook, Mind Map, Cheat Sheet, 9 Videos & Video Transcripts, 9 Audios, 5 Top Resources & A Special Bonus Report

Bonus #2 – WP Social Widget

A simple WordPress social media widget plugin which allows you to add widgets which links social media icons to your social media profiles: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Rss Feed, Linkedin, and Google Plus?

Bonus #3 – Social Niche Marketing Mastery

Discover How a Self Professed Internet Dumb, Dumb Uses Twitter and Facebook to Develop A Niche Marketing Empire From Scratch! Learn how you can duplicate his success working from home in your spare time!

Have you tried to sell on the Internet only to invest thousands and fail? Niche marketing is a whole new world once you learn how to extract winners from social networking sites

Audio eBook So 167MB On Amazon S3 Servers

Bonus #4 – Social Media Manager

Who Else Wants To Discover The Elusively Simple Method To Cash In FAT $997 Checks From Your ‘Idle Time’ On Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

Bonus #5 – Ultimate Social Media Plan

This Guide Will Show You How To Use Twitter, Google+, Facebook, YouTube And LinkedIn To Propel Your Business!

30 Free Ecover Graphics Templates

10 Banner Graphics Templates

6 Guru-Style Squeeze Pages (Mobile Optimized)

63 Free Hand-Drawn Graphics

5 Facebook Covers

Bonus: 256 Premium Graphic Pack

1 : Get The IM System by Clicking here to download it now
2: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at:
3: You will receive all Your bonus within 24 hours

>> Download The IM System With Huge Bonus Package <<

