20 shades of 2020

The Imaginaerum
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2020

“Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world. All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it.” Albert Einstein

1. Introduction

At the climax of each year, I try to recall all my lessons from the collective experiences I’ve had. AD 2020 was no different, only in a way it was.

I really didn’t see the year playing out this way. The ongoing pandemic led to some unique experiences, a mixture of euphoria and heartbreak.

I do comfort myself with the fact that I am alive to write this article, considering all that has been going on this year worldwide. While I have so much to share in this piece, I won’t go into much details to save time. Without further delay, here are my lessons.

2. Maxims

AD 2020 Maxim #1: “The unthinkable can happen, and in most cases, the unprepared are left shamefaced. In light of this, it is better to be ridiculed for being overprepared than to be consoled for your lack of preparation.”

AD 2020 Maxim #2: “Time is the universal scapegoat, but rarely the problem.”

AD 2020 Maxim #3: “In times of crisis, the people around you will set the tone as to how things will play out. Best watch the company you keep.”

AD 2020 Maxim #4: “If you wish to preserve or regain your happiness in the face of adversity, don’t follow mainstream media. In most cases, majority of what is covered during such times will be blown out of proportion (especially the negatives).”

AD 2020 Maxim #5: “Your finances are a good indicator of how prepared/secured you are. Always keep it healthy.”

AD 2020 Maxim #6: “What you don’t value or take time to cherish will inevitably be lost. The key to prosperity lies in appreciation.”

AD 2020 Maxim #7: “Vanity metrics will deceive you into thinking you are doing better than expected. Ignore them and let reality be the judge of that.”

AD 2020 Maxim #8: “The slavery of yesterday is now the minimum wage of contemporary times.”

AD 2020 Maxim #9: “Apart from your physical needs, cater for your mental and spiritual wellbeing. Ignoring both will crush you internally.”

AD 2020 Maxim #10: “Stop walking behind wishes. If you have a goal or a dream to fulfil, then you best start now.” Refer to Maxim #2.

AD 2020 Maxim #11: “Empathy without action is pointless. Do what you can in the lives you can touch, because the people you cannot help are not aware of your empathy or lack thereof (and are not helped by it). Real empathy is action.”

AD 2020 Maxim #12: “A lot of people will pay handsomely to be lied to. The dopamine of escapism is a narcotic you will do well to avoid.”

AD 2020 Maxim #13: “Labels over brains has led many contemporary western societies into turmoil. Identity politics has kept many as prisoners of language games.” Refer to Maxim #12.

AD 2020 Maxim #14: “The only experts you should listen to are people with tangible experience in said topics/fields, having a reputable track record.”

AD 2020 Maxim #15: “Beware of overnight gurus that’ll try to persuade you to invest time and resources on things that are trending. Best stick to what you know.” Refer to Maxim #14.

AD 2020 Maxim #16: “A miracle is something you should hope for when you have exhausted all possible options. Don’t remain suffering when there are actions you can take.”

AD 2020 Maxim #17: “People will use trending topics to push agendas and project their insecurities. In truth, most people don’t really care about the things they choose to speak of.”

AD 2020 Maxim #18: “If you are ever in need of urgent assistance, appeal to people’s self-interest rather than their benevolence. It’ll increase the chances of a positive response.”

AD 2020 Maxim #19: “Irrationality is directly proportional to the size of the crowd. This is why in social settings, the logical man is usually shamed. To best navigate public spaces, be Machiavellian in your approach.”

AD 2020 Maxim #20: “If you are alive, you have secured a victory. Celebrate it and build on it.” Refer to Maxim #6

3. Conclusion

“Some things may seem obvious, others, not so. The seeming obviousness of something is an incredibly subjective phenomenon, and is based primarily on your experience (or lack thereof.) As such, some things may click, others may not. I only ask that if something is not immediately obvious, that you re-read the maxim a couple of times to better consider its meaning. If you still don’t understand a point, feel free to ask in the comments.” — IM

