The Second Proposition

The Imaginaerum
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2021

“Who draws the line?” I last asked. In an age of postmodernist doctrine, it shouldn’t be a question that triggers much. My path isn’t definite, but in itself is a path. My apathy is my inner peace, even though I’m told differently. The more detached you are from things, the clearer they become. Deviating from the norm is like climbing a steep high mountain, looking down you can’t help but laugh.

The chaos below is quite the sight. Irrationality is amusing from a distance but deadly in close quarters. What good is recording history when people are irrational? “Evil” as we know it is seldom a by-product of ignorance. As the invisible wind shakes a tree in ways the human hand cannot, we humans are moved by the subconscious. Knowledge takes a back seat in absence of self-control.

A crime of passion always leaves the most details. Fuelled by the subconscious it dumbfounds even the perpetrator. Chaos is never far from where the passionate are found; hence, developing one’s self-control is amongst the noblest of deeds. The passionate cry for help in that regard, and apathy stretches its cold arm. Passion and Apathy can never coexist. I tell you, rather your apathy is much than your passions run wild. The former will numb you, but the latter is to self-destruct.

Numbness, just how bad is it? Where pain resides, it is a blessing. This is why the wise seldom pray for a place in society. The more of the world you see, the clearer the chaos becomes. Like a dusty portrait, all you need is a little wind. The wind of hope or the winds of fate? Whichever you decide, best hold on tight. Hope or Apathy? It’s your opium to choose.

