Goose Tree is Blossoming!

Ashwini Petchiappan
The imaginist
Published in
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3 min readMay 2, 2021


Reported by Ms. His Tory @ Goose Nook (Satire)

The Goose Tree is flowering! The oldest tree of Goose Nook, situated in the centre of the city, is now crowned with the famous white feathery Goose Blossoms that fill the goose heart with floofy joy. Go see them, geese!

The Goose Blossom (Image by Kohei Tanaka from Pixabay)

Unscientific geese say that the flowering of our favourite tree is a sign of good fortune to come. Scientific geese say the tree flowers once in 88 years. Unscientific geese claim that drinking ‘Goose Blossom Juice’ sharpens the goose brain. This has been a major source of strife between the science lovers and haters.

“Only blunt-brained geese make such claims.”
- Scientific geese

“That’s because we need the juice to sharpen our minds! You are keeping the Brain Elixir from us! And then you blame us for being brainless.”
- Unscientific geese

“If you had brains, you wouldn’t be asking for magic flower juices.”
- Scientific geese

And the cycle goes on. Mayor Gooseworth has made it clear that no juice will be extracted from the precious Goose Blossoms. As per tradition, once they fall from the Goose Tree, they will be preserved in the Goose Nook Museum of Natural History. All Goose Nookians can visit the museum free of charge, and see the blossoms from the beginning of Goose Nook.

Goose Nook tradition also says that when the Goose Tree flowers, the Mayor has to fly 8 times around it in clockwise direction, and then 8 times in anti-clockwise direction. The unscientific ancient geese presumed this would open the doors for happiness to pour in from all directions. Mayor Gooseworth has said she will keep up the tradition, and make the revolutions on this Thursday Goosepril 16 at 4pm.

That is, she will attempt to. It cannot be assumed that our biryani-eating Mayor will be able to complete this long flight. She was affronted, however, on hearing this.

“It was one time, okay? I ate biryani one time — and by mistake!
- Mayor Gooseworth, Mayor of Goose Nook

The Mayor has reportedly been following a strict exercise regimen to prepare for this arduous flight. With the elections in the horizon, she doesn't want any doubts about her ‘fitness’ — physical or otherwise.

Mayor Gooseworth displaying her ‘fitness’ (Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash)

Unscientific geese also claim that when the Goose Blossom falls, a new leader rises. New. This can’t be an easy time for our old Mayor. Tut tut.


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Ashwini Petchiappan
The imaginist

I study biodiversity, conservation and management at University of Oxford. Birds are my reason for existence.