10 Best Shopping Cart Abandonment Software Solutions For 2020

Impact Exchange
Published in
8 min readMay 14, 2020

Nobody likes an abandoned cart.

But that’s the reality of selling online. Sales don’t come easy.

Getting a ton of website visitors alone won’t grow your business. You need those visitors to stick around long enough to add products to their cart and convert into paying customers.

Easier said than done.

If you struggle to collect income on carts filled on your platform, you’re in good company. 68–75% of carts are abandoned, which means significant lost income. Check your cart abandonment rate in Google Analytics and see how you stack up.

Profitable lifetime revenue is the real goal, so you want a way to recoup abandoned carts that work for the longterm. The good news is, you have solid software solutions for dealing with abandoned shopping carts.

If you are selling a product or service using an online platform, you probably have an abandoned cart every so often. It is very challenging to attempt to recover abandoned carts by yourself, but by utilizing abandoned cart software, you can launch effective recovery campaigns to save lost revenue.

Here is what you need to know about cart recovery and how specialized software can help.

Definition of cart abandonment

Cart abandonment occurs when a shopper chooses not to purchase the items that they’ve added to their cart. Instead, they abandon the cart before the checkout process.

We don’t always know why an instance of cart abandonment might occur, but we do know that every cart abandonment results in lost revenue.

Why are carts abandoned?

It should be no surprise that carts are sometimes abandoned. It takes no effort to start a cart. A customer may easily do so on a whim, without much intention of going through with paying for the purchases. However, there are some cases in which carts may be able to be recovered.

Here are the 5 primary reasons for an abandoned cart.

  • Extra costs (50%). The price may seem pretty good until you get to the checkout and realize that you’ll also be paying shipping, taxes, and other fees. This is the primary reason for abandoning a cart.
  • Account creation prompting (28%). Turns out, people don’t want to be told that they have to make an account to make a purchase. Some people guard their email address closely and would rather abandon their cart than make an account.
  • Complicated or long checkout (21%). Your customer is using a commerce site instead of shopping at a store, in part, because they want speed and convenience in the purchase process. A long or complicated checkout process may make customers impatient enough to abandon their cart.
  • Total cost isn’t clear (18%). Your customers don’t want to make a purchase if they’re not 100% what they’ll be paying.
  • Delivery was too slow (18%). People are getting used to fast deliveries and may look elsewhere for a product instead of waiting weeks for it to arrive.

How does abandoned cart technology work?

Abandoning carts is a pretty standard aspect of online shopping. Unlike in a retail store, when you’d have to leave your cart drifting aimlessly in the aisle, abandoning a cart online is pretty easy. For that reason, the cart abandonment rate tends to be pretty high for most eCommerce businesses.

Abandoned cart technology aims to change that by recovering lost sales and reducing the number of abandoned carts. If you want to recover abandoned carts, you really need software to help you. You can’t expect to chase down all those shopping carts by yourself.

When a customer adds a product to the cart the checkout process starts. Abandonment software grabs the email address and sends it to an automated email marketing sequence. If the purchase is made, great, no emails are sent.

If the purchase isn’t made, the email automation process will continue. Emails reminding the customer to make the purchase or offering support will be sent at specific times, depending on the analytics software.

Some eCommerce sites like BigCommerce and Shopify have pretty good cart abandonment software included. However, they are not full-featured marketing automation tools. A more robust cart abandonment option can make a big difference in lost sales.

The best software customizes cart abandonment emails, abandoned cart pop-ups, and other ways of notifying the customer. Content may be customized by time since the cart was abandoned, what is and is not in the cart, and other data about the customer.

Using effective analytics, the software can utilize communication techniques as effectively as possible to recoup your lost revenue and potentially enhance your relationship with the customer.

  • Cart abandonment emails can remind a client that they have an abandoned cart and remind them of all the great things they want to purchase.
  • Cart abandonment pop-ups encourage a customer to finish their purchase before they leave the site. They may also promise additional coupons or prompt a related purchase.

Every company that offers abandoned cart recovery has different techniques for decreasing your lost revenue and recovering every abandoned cart that they can.

Here are a few companies that you can choose from and some of the eCommerce platforms with which they work.


Klaviyo is designed with eCommerce marketing in mind. They have driven billions of dollars in revenue, largely through their retargeting strategies based on customer data. You can fully customize your emails and target based on data like the value of the items in the cart.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • BigCommerce
  • Woo Commerce
  • …and many custom platforms


With Omnisend you can automate abandoned cart emails. You can track customers from cookies as well as utilizing entered emails, which lets you get more sales back through your email marketing. Onmnisend advertises that their tactics can win as many as 22x more than regular promotional emails.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Woocommerce
  • Magento
  • …or your own custom eCommerce platform


CartStack may be able to recover as many as 15% of abandoned carts. CartStack recovery campaigns center on cart recovery email campaigns that utilize real-time data to send a series of email reminders just at the ideal moment to get customers to complete their order.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Magento
  • Woocommerce
  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Opencart
  • Sap Hybris
  • Volusion
  • 3dcart
  • Pinnacle Cart
  • osCommerce
  • X-Cart
  • Demandware
  • Shopify Plus


Keptify advertises that they can create conversions of as many as 20%. They utilize a “personalized customer journey.” Their goal is to create a unique customer experience with your eCommerce platform. Utilizing information about how much customers spend, offering interaction-based deals, and rewarding existing customers, Keptify can reduce cart abandonment on your platform.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • OpenCart
  • Prestashop
  • 3dcart
  • Volusion
  • BigCommerce
  • …and more


If you want your cart abandonment to be personalized throughout the journey, from purchasing online to email marketing, Barilliance is an excellent option. They promise a 12.2 conversion rate utilizing email timing and can create a 7.7% conversion rate with follow up emails. They use algorithms to automate selling related and improved products to your customers.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Magento
  • Volusion
  • OSCommerce
  • salesforce
  • 3dcart
  • SAP Hybris


Digioh can boost conversions with lots of custom analytics. They will suggest relevant products to those that have been ordered and offer complimentary options that will encourage your customers to finish their order. By giving highly-customizable prompts, Digioh lets you express your business through your emails and pop-ups.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  1. BigCommerce
  2. Woo-commerce
  3. Shopify
  4. … and more. 400 total
  5. … and any custom provider that you choose


Rejoiner has helped lots of big brands like Guess and Native recover lost revenue from abandoned carts, and they can aid your business with shopping cart abandonment as well. They utilize innovative strategies like letting customers finish their purchases on any device that they may be using. Using real-time cart recovery, they enable lost sales recovery.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Shopify
  • Magento
  • WooCommerce
  • Volusion


Drip can gather data and offer your customers a better experience, increasing the overall loyalty of your customers as well as reducing cart abandonment. Pre-built workflows for emails after cart abandonment make it easy to send optimized emails, or you can build your workflow based on your unique needs.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Shopify
  • Shopify Plus
  • Magento
  • WooCommerce
  • and many more


ActiveCampaign utilizes Deep Data integrations to send recovery emails and prompt customers to finish their purchase. Customize your email to offer coupons, ask why they abandoned the cart in exchange for a credit towards their purchase, or whatever other creative tactics you would like to employ.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • Bigcommerce
  • Magento
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce


Privy utilizes tactics like pop-ups reminding people not to abandon their cart with recovery emails to make it more likely that people will finish purchases on your eCommerce business. The content is customized to information about the customer, like what is in their cart. Privy advertises as much as 4% recovery of abandoned carts using their software.

Ecommerce platforms that they integrate with:

  • BigCommerce
  • Magento
  • Shopify
  • Shopify Plus
  • Volusion
  • Weebly
  • Wix
  • WooCommerce

Begin recouping your abandoned cart revenue

Choosing one of these effective cart abandonment solutions can help you to recover lost sales and build a better relationship with your customers.

Checkout abandonment is real.

If you’re looking for another positive way to build a better relationship with your customers, ShoppingGives can help.

Adding ShoppingGives to your marketing stack helps your business to seamlessly partner with a great cause. If your customers associate your brand with a good cause they may be more likely to finish their purchase.

As an added bonus, you can integrate content related to your cause into your cart abandonment recovery emails, giving customers another reason to go back and finish their purchase.

Originally published at https://shoppinggives.com on May 14, 2020.



Impact Exchange

The simple and native solution for eCommerce and Direct-to-Consumer brands to seamlessly give back.